RT @MarrietTheSpy
🧵I want to say one thing after reading the #Sabatini articles. I have fortunately never personally experienced sexual harassment in a scientific/academic setting. But I also have spent my entire scientific career--first subconsciously, then with increasing deliberateness--(1/8)
"Did it have to end this way?" asks the Globe.
Yeah, yeah it did.
Boss had an affair with his employee. Didn't take any measures to mitigate possible harms if it truly had been consensual. And he did it again. And he apparently made other women he came in contact with uncomfortable.
What other way could it have gone?
#science #biology #mit #whitehead #sexualharassment #metoo #sabatini
#Science #biology #mit #whitehead #metoo #sabatini #sexualharassment
"Ultra maga" just means law enforcement now. Criminals are leveraging Trump Derangement to gather fear based support for their criminal actions. #sabatini #ultramaga #maga #criminals #10thamendment
#sabatini #UltraMAGA #maga #criminals #10thamendment