First #BritishFolkRevival 1890–1920
Among the most influential of the revival's earliest figures were the Harvard professor #FrancisJamesChild, #SabineBaringGould, #FrankKidson, #LucyBroadwood, and #AnneGilchrist.
Of these, Child's eight-volume collection The English & Scottish Popular Ballads (1882–92) has been the most influential on defining the repertoire of subsequent performers.
You’ll want to dance a jig to #9 in the playlist
#genreoftheweek #britishfolkrevival #francisjameschild #sabinebaringgould #frankkidson #lucybroadwood #annegilchrist
I've edited an anthology of 30 Christmas ghost stories penned from 1820 to 1929. In paperback & Kindle from all Amazon marketplaces.
Features: #WashingtonIrving #CharlesDickens #MarkLemon #ElizabethGaskell #ENesbit #FitzJamesOBrien #EFBenson #SabineBaringGould #MaryElizabethBraddon, #CharlotteRiddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood & many more
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#washingtonirving #charlesdickens #marklemon #elizabethgaskell #enesbit #fitzjamesobrien #efbenson #sabinebaringgould #maryelizabethbraddon #charlotteriddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood #christmas #ghost #GhostStories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #AndiBrooks #fiction #anthology