BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
324 followers · 16337 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Aimè Lilithe · @aimelilithe
141 followers · 755 posts · Server lor.sh

RT @WaiAlicia@twitter.com

An open letter to Keeler from a White Mountain Apache Upper East Fork District woman claiming Sacheen Littlefeather. “You should’ve conducted better research before printing this article.”

🐦🔗: twitter.com/WaiAlicia/status/1

#sacheenlittlefeather #jaquelinekeeler #truthalwayscomesout #restinpeacesacheen

Last updated 2 years ago

Earthling of the Rhine · @amikigu
-1 followers · 7211 posts · Server social.wxcafe.net

Things I learned this month about two people I admired for a spell:
Gloria Steinem was paid by the CIA for at least ten years and served to displace a more grass-roots, radical, and intersectional women's movement:
Sacheen Littlefeather wasn't Apache and was just a wannabe Hollywood starlet looking for attention:

#sacheenlittlefeather #gloriasteinem

Last updated 2 years ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
370 followers · 2058 posts · Server mstdn.social

/#history: i offer this paltry token in memoriam of the incredible human being, sacheen littlefeather, who spent her life as an activist. she knew what she was doing when she declined brando's oscar. her subsequent blacklisting would only amplify awareness of the struggle at wounded knee - & of the american indian movement. the occupation of alcatraz galvanised young sacheen's desire to get involved with native american activism. she went on to found american indian AIDS institute of san francisco. sacheen died a respected apache & yaqui elder.

#activist #sacheenlittlefeather #Indigenous #MastoArt #Art

Last updated 2 years ago