TheOnion: Richard Sackler Pays $1.5 Billion To Rename All Picasso’s Works After Himself #opioidepidemicintheunitedstates #organizedcrimeintheunitedstates #wealthintheunitedstates #drugsintheunitedstates #richardsackler #richardperiod #sacklerfamily #pablopicasso #purduepharma #davidgeffen #sackler #richie
#opioidepidemicintheunitedstates #organizedcrimeintheunitedstates #wealthintheunitedstates #drugsintheunitedstates #richardsackler #richardperiod #sacklerfamily #pablopicasso #purduepharma #davidgeffen #sackler #richie
Die #SacklerFamily führt einen #Opiumkrieg im eigenen Land. Laura #Poitras zeigt mit dem Dokumentarfilm "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed" in dem Porträt über die Fotografin Nan #Goldin wie Unrecht zu Richtbarkeit führt, aber nicht zur #Gerechtigkeit. Überall orangene Pillendosen. #BeauIsAfraid
#sacklerfamily #opiumkrieg #poitras #goldin #gerechtigkeit #beauisafraid
#SCOTUS Blocks #PurduePharma Deal That Shields #SacklerFamily
The #OxyContin manufacturer has long been accused of ignoring the drug's addictive qualities in favor of profit.
#scotus #purduepharma #sacklerfamily #oxycontin
The Sackler Family’s first mistake was not taking Supreme Court justices on luxury vacations.
#sackler #sacklerfamily
@NPR I'm betting this benefits no one but the #sacklerfamily , and the #corruptSCOTUS lets them of the hook. 🙄
#Biografie einer großen #Künstlerin unserer Zeit, #Doku über das Aus der #Sackler-Familie als Sponsoren für bedeutende #Museen & Aufarbeitung deren Verantwortung in Bezug auf die #Opioidkrise in den USA.
Vor allem ist #AllTheBeautyAndTheBloodshed aber ein sehr guter #Film über gelebten #Aktivismus & die #Kunst zu protestieren.
#DieLetzteFilmkritik #HBO #Dokumentation #NanGoldin #Fotografie #Photography #Kunstwelt #SacklerFamily #Filme #Film #Review #Kritik #Podcasts #Podcast
#biografie #kunstlerin #doku #sackler #museen #OpioidKrise #allthebeautyandthebloodshed #film #aktivismus #kunst #dieletztefilmkritik #hbo #Dokumentation #nangoldin #fotografie #photography #kunstwelt #sacklerfamily #filme #review #Kritik #podcasts #podcast
The Tyee: Dying for a Living, and Why It Costs Us (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #U.S.NationalAcademiesofSciences,EngineeringandMedicine #NorwegianGovernmentPensionFund #ElkValleyResourcescoalmining #TheWorldHealthOrganization #BCNDPleaderJohnHorgan #LaRochefoucauld #China'sSinopec #Sacklerfamily #OxyContin
#BCNews #TheTyee #U #norwegiangovernmentpensionfund #elkvalleyresourcescoalmining #theworldhealthorganization #BCNDPleaderJohnHorgan #larochefoucauld #china #sacklerfamily #oxycontin
The Natl Acad. of Sciences, Engineering & Med, who helped shape the govt’s response to the opioid crisis, accepted ~$19 million from the Sackler family (owners of Purdue & makers of OxyContin.)
“I didn’t know they were taking private money,” Von Korff, a prominent pain care researcher, said. “It sounds like insanity to take money from principals of drug companies and then do reports related to opioids. I am really shocked.”
#opioid #sacklerfamily #opioidcrisis
#opioid #sacklerfamily #opioidcrisis
Was für ein Buch, was für eine brutale Krise. Gerade als Freund der Marktwirtschaft kann man hier gut sehen wie schrecklich schief das Laufen kann. Super #buch / #hörbuch über #opiate / #schmerzmittel und deren Missbrauch als #drogen !
#buch #horbuch #opiate #schmerzmittel #drogen #sacklerfamily #oxycontin
In a prior age, #Marvel or #DC would put #GeorgeWashington in spandex and have him battle arch-villains #GhislaineMaxwell, the #SacklerFamily #RupertMurdoch, #NigelFarage, and (standing in for Kite-Man) #HarryWindsor.
Wouldn’t take them to #Gitmo (#Guantanamo) though. That’d be un#American.
#marvel #dc #georgewashington #ghislainemaxwell #sacklerfamily #rupertmurdoch #nigelfarage #harrywindsor #gitmo #guantanamo
I mean if this is indicative of the total level of outrage at #OxfordUniversity around taking money from the #SacklerFamily then they should close the place down.
#oxforduniversity #sacklerfamily
I mean if this is indicative of the total level of outrage at #OxfordUniversity around taking money from the #SacklerFamily then yet another reason for radical reform.
#oxforduniversity #sacklerfamily
@steventdennis the #sacklerfamily are free…
No indictments, no justice for all the people they mass murdered.
Anyone who thinks we live in a democracy, wake up.
#sacklerfamily #heroin #purdue #lockthemupnow
Perdue were allowed to sell heroin on a pill…….
#opiods #sacklerfamily #pharmaripoff
@PopResearchCtrs @uncpopcenter So, 'adult delinquency', but no mention of the mass despair and hopelessness created by the mostly born rich n corrupt US upper class rigging politics and the economy to reserve power and money for themselves, at the expense of the working class.
The #Sacklers and #BigPharma #CVS #Walgreens execs should be financially ruined by fines and clawbacks, and then rot in prison to the end of their evil lives. #SacklerFamily #OpioidCrisis #Opiods
#opiods #opioidcrisis #sacklerfamily #walgreens #cvs #bigpharma #sacklers
"Barry Levinson’s medicated miniseries forensically diagnoses America’s addiction to, and corruption by, the pursuit of capitalism": Dopesick (2021) #OpioidCrisis #Oxycontin #SacklerFamily
#opioidcrisis #oxycontin #sacklerfamily
"ALL THE BEAUTY AND THE BLOODSHED' - Laura Poitras Official clip [Venice]
#Opioids #SacklerFamily
@schestowitz In Japan, #opioids , such as #OxyContin are carefully prescribed by the pharmacists and the doctors, with their strict permission.
#PurduePharma #bankruptcy #SacklerFamily
#sacklerfamily #oxycontin #opioids #purduepharma #bankruptcy