Casually forgetting the letter that 36 MPs wrote to the BBC calling for his sacking. #FFS
"Lopez tells MPs there was 'no pressure applied to BBC by ministers' over Gary Lineker" - GPLB
#TeamLineker #FreeSpeech #FuckTheTories #SackRichardSharp #BBCBias
#bbcbias #sackrichardsharp #FuckTheTories #freespeech #teamlineker #ffs
Time to find a spine, Sunak (from GPLB):
"BBC News now note that the corporation has no way of removing Richard Sharp – its chair – as he was appointed by the government."
#SackRichardSharp #FreeSpeech #BBCBias #FuckTheTories #RefugeesWelcome #TeamLineker #Cruella #NotIllegalHUMAN
#notillegalhuman #cruella #teamlineker #refugeeswelcome #FuckTheTories #bbcbias #freespeech #sackrichardsharp
Welcome return of Gary Lineker to BBC and MOTD.
But we need to make sure he doesn't do anything to get suspended again.
I have a simple 3 step plan to make sure of that:
1 #SackRichardSharp
2 #SackTimDavie
3 #GetTheToriesOut
#sackrichardsharp #sacktimdavie #getthetoriesout
Last word on #Lineker because he's quietly and honourably made his original point again:
From birdside
"however difficult the last few days have been, it simply doesn’t compare to having to flee your home from persecution or war to seek refuge in a land far away. It’s heartwarming to have seen the empathy towards their plight from so many of you"
#RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #AsylumIsNotACrime #FreeSpeech #SackRichardSharp
#sackrichardsharp #freespeech #asylumisnotacrime #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #lineker
And now we're all supposed to forget that the BBC tried to *curb his right to free speech* until they got spanked for two days. No resignations.
"BBC director general apologises for 'potential confusion' causes by social media rules that led to Lineker's suspension and announces review"
#TeamLineker #Whitewash #SackRichardSharp #UKPolitics #FreeSpeech #BBC
#bbc #freespeech #ukpolitics #sackrichardsharp #whitewash #teamlineker
Remember it is not the BBC itself that is the problem. It is the corrupt fascist sympathiser Richard Sharp who the Tory's installed to run it for them.