In their book “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt”, @ChrisLynnHedges (#ChrisHedges) & Joe #Saco portray “inverted totalitarianism” as a system where corporations have corrupted & subverted democracy and where economics bests politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited by large corporations to the point of collapse as excess consumerism and sensationalism lull and manipulate the citizenry into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government.
In #Britain, inverted totalitarianism is being played out before our eyes as never before because the elites don’t care any more if we, the poles, know what they are doing to us!
The utterly corrupt @conservatives (#Tories) are bought and paid for by #Putin’s #Russia, #Xi’s #China, #binSalman & other assorted oligarchs & despots.
The @UKLabour (#Labour) Party under #KeirStarmer is ‘in hoc’ to the #TrilateralCommission. Also, #Starmer has deliberately lost/ ejected so many of its former ~600k members (and their membership subs) that they’ve had to go, cap in hand, seeking donations from assorted corporate interests who will obviously want their ‘pound of flesh’ should #Labour come to power!
Our first-past-the-post electoral system is designed to entrench the inverted totalitarian system that is our so-called democracy! Nothing will change if #Labour replaces the Tories in the 2024 #GeneralElection - as is currently predicted to happen by a landslide!
Imo, at #UK #Election24:
1. #Tories *must* be destroyed electorally! This looks like a distinct possibility as they have do royally f#cked up pretty much everything! Nothing works in Britain anymore!
2. #Labour u/ ‘Sir’ Keir #KidStarver *cannot* be allowed to gain a #Blair-style landslide majority! #Starmer would use this almost unbridled power to unleash a torrent of illiberal policies on the country
3. Hence we must somehow elect a powerful #Left presence in Parliament to oppose his #NeoLiberal & authoritarian instincts
4. Well-informed, we’ll-organised tactical voting will be key - not just to wipe out the Tories but, crucially, to #StopStarmer
#chrishedges #saco #britain #tories #putin #russia #xi #china #binSalman #labour #keirstarmer #Trilateralcommission #starmer #generalelection #uk #election24 #kidstarver #blair #left #neoliberal #stopstarmer
In their book “Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt”, @ChrisLynnHedges (#ChrisHedges) & Joe #Saco portray “inverted totalitarianism” as a system where corporations have corrupted & subverted democracy and where economics bests politics. Every natural resource and living being is commodified and exploited by large corporations to the point of collapse as excess consumerism and sensationalism lull and manipulate the citizenry into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government.
In #Britain, inverted totalitarianism is being played out before our eyes as never before because the elites don’t care any more if we, the poles, know what they are doing to us!
The utterly corrupt @conservatives (#Tories) are bought and paid for by #Putin’s #Russia, #Xi’s #China, #binSalman & other assorted oligarchs & despots.
The @UKLabour (#Labour) Party under #KeirStarmer is ‘in hoc’ to the #TrilateralCommission. Also, #Starmer has deliberately lost/ ejected so many of its former ~600k members (and their membership subs) that they’ve had to go, cap in hand, seeking donations from assorted corporate interests who will obviously want their ‘pound of flesh’ should #Labour come to power!
Our first-past-the-post electoral system is designed to entrench the inverted totalitarian system that is our so-called democracy! Nothing will change if #Labour replaces the Tories in the 2024 #GeneralElection - as is currently predicted to happen by a landslide!
Imo, at #UK #Election24:
1. #Tories *must* be destroyed electorally! This looks like a distinct possibility as they have do royally f#cked up pretty much everything! Nothing works in Britain anymore!
2. #Labour u/ ‘Sir’ Keir #KidStarver *cannot* be allowed to gain a #Blair-style landslide majority! #Starmer would use this almost unbridled power to unleash a torrent of illiberal policies on the country
3. Hence we must somehow elect a powerful #Left presence in Parliament to oppose his #NeoLiberal & authoritarian instincts
4. Well-informed, we’ll-organised tactical voting will be key
#chrishedges #saco #britain #tories #putin #russia #xi #china #binSalman #labour #keirstarmer #Trilateralcommission #starmer #generalelection #uk #election24 #kidstarver #blair #left #neoliberal
The Gender and Sexuality Funnel Project #libraries #cataloging #SACO
It's #caturday and this is not my cat. This is Clyde. He belonged to a lobsterman down the beach and visited our house frequently when we lived on Ferry Beach last year. He was adorable, independent, and obnoxious (as evidenced by the photo of him hanging on my window at 5am). Who is the coolest cat in your life? I have met people around town who randomly know Clyde - let me know if you are one of those people! #Maine #JoinIn #cats #beach #saco
#caturday #maine #joinin #cats #beach #saco
Quiet snowscape this morning
#lacapi #capi #botels #todasfundas #ratón #posavasos #lienzos #mascaril #saco samsung #DiaDeLaNiñes #DiaDeLaNiñes #todos
#todos #DiaDeLaNiñes #saco #mascaril #lienzos #posavasos #ratón #todasfundas #botels #capi #lacapi