Hunh! "According to the [church] legislation, they cannot partake in [some] #sacraments. This does not mean that it is closed."
Well, from my - admittedly sketchy - knowledge of sacraments, if you cannot take communion, then you cannot "celebrate" - fully - that #Jesus gave his life for your sins.
So, it DOES mean that some important parts of the #church and doctrine are forbidden to #LGBTQ...which negates much of the spiritual relief one needs to get from the faith.
#sacraments #jesus #church #lgbtq
Hello again, #RedditMigration friends!
If you find the following #hashtags interesting, you may find me interesting:
#HarmReduction #BetterChoices
#Sacraments #SacramentalPlants
#Entheogen #Entheogens
#Empathogen #Emapthogens
#Psychedelic #Psychedelics
#Trichocereus #Lophophora
#Cannabis #Marijuana
Here are some of my soapboxes, with "thanks" to overharvesting & climate change:
#PeyoteIsFriendNotFood #PeyoteConservation
#redditmigration #hashtags #harmreduction #betterchoices #sacraments #sacramentalplants #entheogen #entheogens #empathogen #emapthogens #psychedelic #psychedelics #trichocereus #lophophora #cannabis #marijuana #peyoteisfriendnotfood #peyoteconservation
"Geiler [had] ardent support among the laity of #Strasbourg. [Who] deeply resented clerical vice. The fact that the #clergy were so often... #corrupt mattered to them b/c w/out honest clergy,...souls might not be purified by the #sacraments...[And] if their souls ascended impure into the afterlife, they could...spend hundreds of years in #Purgatory...[and] might even be consigned to the everlasting torment of #Hell."
- John Waller, A Time to Dance A Time to Die, pp. 26-27
#strasbourg #clergy #corrupt #sacraments #purgatory #hell