RT @P_McCulloughMD
Great Game India says #sacredcow is in trouble. Only thing they can do now is give up on RCT's and simply submit claims of "bio-equivalent" to failed predicate or rely on contrived antibody studies for future versions. Desperate times for #sacredcow
RT @P_McCulloughMD
Great Game India says #sacredcow is in trouble. Only thing they can do now is give up on RCT's and simply submit claims of "bio-equivalent" to failed predicate or rely on contrived antibody studies for future versions. Desperate times for #sacredcow
The best food on the planet, for the planet 🌎 🐮 #carnivore #nutrition #regenerativeagriculture #sacredcow #trubeef #carnivoreisvegan https://instagr.am/p/CfW8VwBu_Oi/
#carnivoreisvegan #trubeef #sacredcow #regenerativeagriculture #nutrition #carnivore
5 Books the World Economic Forum Doesn’t Want You to Read by Auré’s Notes https://baos.pub/5-books-the-world-economic-forum-doesnt-want-you-to-read-6414b84a108d?source=social.tw #sacredcow #liesmydoctortoldme
#liesmydoctortoldme #sacredcow
How virtuous and naive. Excerpts from #sacredcow.
In case you hadn't noticed, the crust of this rock we inhabit has evolved as a complex ecosystem. Its organisms are quite codependent on each other. If we simply cease all animal husbandry, never mind… https://instagr.am/p/CYJ29YYuCMs/
Resources to Thrive: #sacredcow documentary / book | https://www.sacredcow.info/
Real super food, real multivitamin.
#eatyourliver #carnivore #paleo #keto #ketovore #animalbased #nosetotail #sacredcow #theremembering #eatlikeyourancestors #liver #nutrition #superfood #nultivitamin #grassfed #organic #regenerativeagriculture #foodpo… https://instagr.am/p/CTRzp-5nofK/
#foodpo #regenerativeagriculture #organic #Grassfed #nultivitamin #superfood #nutrition #liver #eatlikeyourancestors #theremembering #sacredcow #nosetotail #animalbased #ketovore #keto #paleo #carnivore #eatyourliver
RT @frie_schmitz@twitter.com
Yet another book claiming that keeping and killing cows helps fight climate change - quote: "it's not the cow, it's the how" #SacredCow
So who's the biggest enemy for the authors? Big meat corporations? Extensive feed production? Factory farms? No! It's vegans! 🤦♀️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/frie_schmitz/status/1282983818547404800