S. K. Riley · @SKRiley_Author
173 followers · 145 posts · Server universeodon.com

Free Event:

On the evening of 25 January we will gather along the shoreline of Reserve and look out across the water towards Me-Mel (formerly Goat Island).

In 2023, the annual tradition of ‘Vigil’ takes on a new form, celebrating the re-awakening of the of this precious island, which has been a key landmark of for several hundred years and a for the clans of for tens of thousands.

A night of shared emotions through songs and , a night of opening hearts and listening." - The Guardian


#sydneyfestival #barangaroo #spirit #sydneyharbour #sacredplace #eora #songlines #sydney #firstnations #Indigenous #ceremony #light #sound #performance #livestream

Last updated 2 years ago