💔My Whole Entire LIFE
💔People ALWAYS chosen #BigPHARMA
💔over EveryThing Else
💔& ALWAYS #PHARMA over ME Too ✌️
💔I’m sooo Used to IT… by Now
💔So I’m a #Celibate #Hermit bc I’m REALLY tired of IT
💔THEY Always Choose the EASY #DRUGS
💔& they ALWAYS choose the #QuickFIX
💔instead of Doing the REAL WORK
💔Instead of Getting to the ROOT of the REAL ProblemS
💔Always #Sacrificing ThemSelves
💔& Their #Children
💔To the SAFE & EFFECTIVE #Cult
💔& Its So So #SADS
🙏Please Don’t Let Them NORMALIZE SADS
✌️& yes #pharmaceuticals Can HELP! & SAVE Lives! Too
✌️At Certain Times
✌️& FOR certain Things
✌️We Don’t WANT TO throw the Baby Out w the BathWater 🛁 as THEY say
✌️✌️but 99% of the time IT just makes IT a lot WORSE
✌️Down the Road…. 🐇🐇🐇
#pharmaceuticals #SIDS #SADS #cult #children #sacrificing #quickfix #drugs #Hermit #Celibate #pharma #BigPharma
They're #sacrificing your #children to their god
They're #sacrificing your #children to their god
They're #sacrificing your #children to their god