Revenge is Sweet is a song about a breakup that went bad. Enjoy the full song on streaming platforms today
#chenelno1 #countrysong #southafricancountry #countrysongwriter #southafricansinger #sadballad #RevengeIsSweet #newmusicalert #newrelease
#chenelno1 #countrysong #southafricancountry #countrysongwriter #southafricansinger #sadballad #revengeissweet #newmusicalert #newrelease
No one has ever died of a broken heart, although it feels like it in the moment. Check out my song Turquoise Tears on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #indierock #indiemusic #breakupsong #sadballad #heartbreaksong
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #indierock #indiemusic #breakupsong #sadballad #heartbreaksong
Having your heart broken is never easy. My song, Turquoise Tears, deals with heartbreak and crying so much that you could fill rivers with your tears.
#chenelno1 #TurquoiseTears #acousticmusic #turquoise #acousticsong #tears #singersongwriter #sadsong #liedjieskrywer #loveballad #southafricansinger #heartbreak #sadsongs #sadballad #loveballad #breakupssuck #heartbroken #breakupsong #brokenheart #breakupsongs
#chenelno1 #turquoisetears #acousticmusic #turquoise #acousticsong #tears #singersongwriter #sadsong #liedjieskrywer #loveballad #southafricansinger #heartbreak #sadsongs #sadballad #breakupssuck #heartbroken #breakupsong #brokenheart #breakupsongs
Sometimes sadness follow you like a shadow and you feel like you're unable to claw through the darkness surrounding you. There's hope, cling to that and know you are loved.
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #sadballad #sadballads #sadsong #sadsong #sadness🥺 #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #brokenheart
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #sadballad #sadballads #sadsong #sadness #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #brokenheart
Bad days don't equal a bad life. Sometimes is available on all major streaming platforms.
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #sadballad #sadballads #thereishopeforeveryone
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #sadballad #sadballads #thereishopeforeveryone
After an unexpected breakup the person left behind are left with so many questions trying to process the hurt and abandonment.
You don't care at all is a song of such an betrayal. Give it a soin on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadsong #sadballad #sadsongs #brokenheart💔 #indieartist #lyricsnippet #lyrics #songlyrics #songlyric
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadsong #sadballad #sadsongs #brokenheart #indieartist #lyricsnippet #lyrics #songlyrics #songlyric
Some relationships aren't wortg saving and the one left behind will always carry the scars inflicted.
You don't care at all tells that story of brokenness and can be heard on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #sadsong
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #breakupsong #breakupssuck #lovelost #songwriter #songalert #southafricansinger #sadsong
Long distance relationships are hard and disappointment is like a shadow hovering over you.
Handbag Moods is a collaboration song I wrote with @timetoact_music
Do check out Handbag Moods on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #HandbagMoods #lyricsnippet #loveballad #lovesong #sadballad
#chenelno1 #handbagmoods #lyricsnippet #loveballad #lovesong #sadballad
Without music fans, songwriters and musicians have no purpose. Thank you for your support 💕
#chenelno1 #willieverloveagain #indieartist #indiemusic #indiemusician #indieartists #thankyou #appreciationpost #thankyou #grateful #indieartistsoftiktok #songwriter #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #greatfans
#chenelno1 #willieverloveagain #indieartist #indiemusic #indiemusician #indieartists #thankyou #appreciationpost #grateful #indieartistsoftiktok #songwriter #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #sadballad #sadballads #loveballad #greatfans
When your heart earns for that it cannot have, regret becomes a constant companion. Fight for your happiness. Fight to make your relationship work. Fight to be together. Stream Chained to you on Spotify today.
#chenelno1 #loveballad #lovesong #chainedtoyou #chillrock #indieartist #indierock #sadsong #sadballad #sadnessispain #lostlove #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #loveballads
#chenelno1 #loveballad #lovesong #chainedtoyou #chillrock #indieartist #indierock #sadsong #sadballad #sadnessispain #lostlove #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #loveballads
My release, Sometimes, is about having a hard time with life, but there's always hope.
Enjoy the full song on Spotify or Apple Music today.
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #bepositive✌ #newrelease #sadsong #sadballad #sadsongs #gettingstrongereveryday #lifestruggles #hopewins
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #bepositive #newrelease #sadsong #sadballad #sadsongs #gettingstrongereveryday #lifestruggles #hopewins
This is an anticlimax song to Valentines Day where we forcus on the broken hearted.
Hope you enjoy You don't care at all 💔
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #valentinesday #sadballad #sadballads #bemyvalentine #valentine #valentines #indieartist #lovesong #loveballad #sadsong #brokenheart
#chenelno1 #youdontcareatall #valentinesday #sadballad #sadballads #bemyvalentine #valentine #valentines #indieartist #lovesong #loveballad #sadsong #brokenheart
Sometimes you need to recharge when life's challenges drain your batteries.
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #sadballad #sadballads #thereishopeforeveryone
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #sadballad #sadballads #thereishopeforeveryone
My new song Sometimes has broken the dreaded 1000 stream mark today & I stoked.
Thank you for your support
#chenelno1 #sometimes #sadsongs #sadsong #sadballad #songwriter #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #thereishopeforeveryone #hope #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #folksong
#chenelno1 #sometimes #sadsongs #sadsong #sadballad #songwriter #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #thereishopeforeveryone #hope #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #folksong
I'm so excited to share my new song "Sometimes" with you! It's a song about the moments that make life worth living, and I hope it brings a little clarity when you're having a bad day. Check it out!
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #sadballad
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusicfriday #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #sadballad
The look when a song resonates in your soul as you're to afraid to admit that you are slowly being beaten by life's obstacles but never broken.
Please enjoy Sometimes on your favourite streaming platform.
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusic #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #sadballad #sadballads
#chenelno1 #sometimes #newmusicalert #newrelease #newsingle #newmusic #acousticmusic #acousticsong #sadsong #spotifyartist #indieartist #independentartist #southafricansinger #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #sadballad #sadballads