Despite attempts by the Taliban to negotiate his arrest and extradition, the US invaded Afghanistan without provocation, leading to millions of deaths.
Cheney, Rice, and others in the admin would later run a conspiracy to convince the president, #ColinPowell, and the American people that there was a threat from #SaddamHussein in Iraq, leading the US to invade without provocation, leading to millions of deaths.
(Almost done)
This was a fascinating account by guards of #SaddamHussein - illustrating how in the end humans are emotional beings and can form bonds with each other, no matter the disparity of background or setting.
#SkyNews #Iraq #war #news #podcast
#saddamhussein #skynews #iraq #war #news #podcast
Weshalb? #gaddafi #saddamhussein
The whole gang agrees that Sue Ellen Mischke and British Saddam Hussein are the neatest couple on Seinfeld. #Seinfeld #SueEllenMischke #BrendaStrong #SaddamHussein #SayedBadreya
#seinfeld #sueellenmischke #brendastrong #saddamhussein #sayedbadreya
JF-ReportageWie auf dem Mars – eine Reise durch Jordanien #SaddamHussein #NaherOsten #Jordanien #Ausland #Amerika #Amman #Clan #Irak
#irak #clan #amman #amerika #ausland #jordanien #naherosten #saddamhussein
20 years after the iconic toppling of #SaddamHussein’s bronze statue in #Iraq. Though the toppling was a defining moment in Iraq’s freedom, the state of #corruption suggests a different reality.
#MiddleEast #Iraq
#saddamhussein #Iraq #Corruption #middleeast
Vent’anni dalla seconda guerra del Golfo #Approfondimenti #RapportoChilcot #SaddamHussein #Al-Qaeda #Bushjr #guerra #11/09 #iraq #Onu #usa #uk
#approfondimenti #RapportoChilcot #saddamhussein #al #BushJr #guerra #iraq #onu #usa #uk
Invasion des IraksHandfeste Lügen als Kriegsgrund #SaddamHussein #Geschichte #Irakkrieg #Irak #USA
#usa #irak #irakkrieg #geschichte #saddamhussein
RT @portside
The Illegal Invasion of Iraq: Never Forget:
How did we get here? 20 years after the U.S.-led invasion of the sovereign nation of Iraq, we still refuse to reckon with the last decades of war as yet another decade of violence unfolds. Since the invasion, tens of thousands if not over a million lives have been lost.
#Iraq #Iraqwar #SaddamHussein #GeorgeWBush #AbuGhraib #911 #terrorism
#iraq #iraqwar #saddamhussein #georgewbush #abughraib #terrorism
RT @dw
The shadow of the Iraq war lingers on. The United States invaded Iraq 20 years ago. The rationale for the war was a lie, and the consequences remain to this day.
#Iraq #Iraqwar #SaddamHussein #GeorgeWBush #AbuGhraib #911 #terrorism
#iraq #iraqwar #saddamhussein #georgewbush #abughraib #terrorism
The shadow of the Iraq war lingers on
#Iraq #Iraqwar #iraqwar #SaddamHussein #GeorgeW.Bush #AbuGhraib #9/11 #terrorism
#terrorism #abughraib #georgew #saddamhussein #iraqwar #iraq
About that …
#bookstodon #books #quotes #history #Iraq #UnitedStates #Reagan #SaddamHussein #ChemicalWeapons
#bookstodon #books #quotes #history #iraq #unitedstates #reagan #saddamhussein #chemicalweapons
I don’t remember or know so much about #SaddamHussein just as? Teens currently, their knowledge of?
[#Halabja thread 2/16]
Back in 1988, the US State Department’s official stance was that #SaddamHussein had not carried out the genocidal attack on Halabja. They implied it was actually the work of #Iran amid the ongoing war between Iran and Iraq. This claim originated with W. “Pat” Lang in the Defense Intelligence Agency, then spread via others in the #Pentagon.
#halabja #saddamhussein #iran #pentagon
“Né un uomo né un soldo”. Ricordando Gino Strada a 20 anni dall’invasione dell’Iraq #consigliodisicurezzadellenazioniunite #francescomerlo #osamabinlande #saddamhussein #vittimecivili #armichimiche #guerrainiraq #NazioniUnite #Afghanistan #georgewbush #colinpowel #editoriale #ginostrada #invasione #pacifismo #pacifisti #Opinioni #talebani #guerra #2003 #ONU
#onu #guerra #talebani #opinioni #pacifisti #pacifismo #invasione #ginostrada #editoriale #colinpowel #GeorgeWBush #Afghanistan #NazioniUnite #guerrainiraq #armichimiche #vittimecivili #saddamhussein #osamabinlande #FrancescoMerlo #consigliodisicurezzadellenazioniunite
"Officials who question why contract prices are inflated receive warnings, including one who objected to a power plant in northern Salahaddin province that was overvalued by $600 million. He got a call when it became clear he would not sign off on the deal, he said.
Be careful, he was told.",he%20was%20told.
#middleEast #energyEconomy #kickbacks #shadyDeals #iraqWar #saddamHussein #fertileCrescent #stability #prosperity #corruption #extortion #embezzlement #offTheBooks #accountability
#middleeast #energyeconomy #kickbacks #shadydeals #iraqwar #saddamhussein #fertilecrescent #stability #prosperity #corruption #extortion #embezzlement #offthebooks #accountability
La guerra in #Iraq ha nel proprio DNA uno scontro interimperialistico di enorme portata.
Il prezzo di questa guerra lo pagano le popolazioni irachene martoriate dalle bombe, dal freddo, dalla mancanza di medicine, cibo, riparo.
Lo pagano le popolazioni americane, vittime di attentati terroristici.
Lo pagano oppositori, sabotatori, obiettori e disertori che subiscono pestaggi, processi e carcere.
Lo paghiamo noi tutti stretti nella spirale dell’inflazione, tra salari e pensioni da fame e fitti e bollette in costante aumento.
Noi non ci arruoliamo né con la #NATO, né con l'#Iraq. Né con #SaddamHussein né con #Bush. Rifiutiamo la retorica patriottica come elemento di legittimazione degli Stati e delle loro pretese espansionistiche.
#iraq #nato #saddamhussein #bush
New article from Arabic for Nerds:
"20 questions for: Dominic Herbert (#32)"
Long-distance athletes may find their stamina helps them persevere in the study of Arabic. Dominic Herbert is one of them. Learn more about him in this 9273 roots interview (#32).
Read more:
#Alexandria #Arabist #economist #London #Pakistan #Riyadh #SaddamHussein #Shia
#alexandria #arabist #economist #london #pakistan #riyadh #saddamhussein #shia
In the footsteps of #SaddamHussein. What do the #Iran - #Iraq war and the war in #Ukraine have in common?
The Iran-Iraq war has a number of similarities with the war in #Ukraine, and a deeper understanding of the history of Saddam Hussein's invasion of the territory of a neighboring country and the international reaction to it can help politicians in the confrontation with #Putin.
#saddamhussein #iran #iraq #ukraine #putin
Der US-Schandfleck - Wie USA mit einer Lüge den Irak-Krieg anzettelte Die Rede war voller Falschinformationen: US-Außenminister Powell sprach 2003 vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat über Iraks angebliche Massenvernichtungswaffen - als Rechtfertigung für den Irakkrieg. Später sagte er: Das war der Schandfleck seiner Karriere - mit 300.000 toten Zivilisten in Irak. #SaddamHussein #Leitartikel #Feuilleton #Krieg #epds #Irak #USA
#saddamhussein #Leitartikel #feuilleton #krieg #epds #irak #usa