#SAFAL2022 continues with a keynote from Megha Sundara on how phonetic cues support morphological learning in young infants (see pic for baby raptly attending to this highly relevant work). At first, infants exploit homophony to induce suffixes, noting token frequency, and later, bottom up processing interacts with top-down info. And now theyre extending this work to Kannada, but we need a lot more #corpora esp. of spoken varieties! #acquisition #linguistics
#safal2022 #corpora #acquisition #linguistics
#SAFAL2022 continues with a great study on production of tense in child Malayalam by Gayathri Krishnan. Really rich corpus that is gonna be on #CHILDES soon!! Lots of great examples of overgeneralization of an -i ending (tho also this is variation present in adult Malayalam too, which is super cool!) #acquisition #linguistics
#safal2022 #childes #acquisition #linguistics
#SAFAL2022 Aaricia Ponnet presents a longitudinal study of the acquisition of differential object marking by instructed lg learners, via a storytelling task. She identifies what functions the marker is used for, & how those functions are differentially (pun INTENDED) acquired (plus a nice example of using random effects to investigate individual diffs). She finds contact effects such as transfer, item-based effects, & she argues that DOM should be analyzed gradiently #psycholinguistics