How Just Visiting A Site Could Have Hacked Your iPhone or MacBook Camera #iphonecamerahacking #safarivulnerability #safariwebbrowser #Hackingcamera #hackingiphone #AppleMacBook #AppleiPhone #camerahack #AppleiOS
#iphonecamerahacking #safarivulnerability #safariwebbrowser #Hackingcamera #hackingiphone #AppleMacbook #appleiphone #camerahack #appleios
#MacBook #SafariWebBrowser tip I just found: you can click and hold on a draggable item with your thumb (say, a widget in WordPress > Appearance > Widgets), then scroll the page with two fingers on the same hand.
Super handy for dragging stuff up and down tall pages.
#macbook #safariwebbrowser #technology