Seit vielen Jahren unterstützt die NGO “#WomenonWeb” ungewollt schwangere Menschen weltweit dabei, selbstbestimmte und informierte Entscheidungen auf dem Weg zu einer #Abtreibung zu treffen [...] #safeabortion
Infos findet ihr hier:
#womenonweb #abtreibung #safeabortion
Share far and wide #abortionAccess #safeabortion #HowDoIEndMyPregnancy?
#howdoiendmypregnancy #safeabortion #abortionaccess
RT @haenel_kh
Bitte unterstützt die Ärztin und ihre Patientinnen, die in Dortmund so massiv von den Anti‘s angegriffen werden. #safeabortion
@kersten Bitte unterstützt die ärztliche Kollegin und die Patientinnen, die dort Unterstützung bekommen, gegen die massiven Angriffe der Anti‘s. #safeabortion Sehr sehenswert zur Geschichte des Kampfs um sichere Abtreibungen und gegen den Abtreibungsparagraphen 218. #safeabortion
Für eine medizinhistorische Arbeit suche ich nach Dokumenten, Berichten, Akten etc. über Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Deutschland zwischen 1900 und 1950. #safeabortion #seifenabort
Für eine medizinhistorische Arbeit suche ich nach Dokumenten über Schwangerschaftsabbrüche zwischen 1900 und 1950 in Deutschland, z.B. Krankenakten, Todesursachenstatistiken, Zeitzeugenberichte bzw. von nächsten Angehörigen etc. #safeabortion #Seifenabort
International Conference on Family Planning (#ICFP2022) is coming soon. I cannot attend (even virtually - it's a bit expensive 😔), but to support the fullfilment of #SRHR for everyone everywhere, I am sharing a policy brief I wrote on #safeabortion in my home country, Indonesia 🇮🇩.
Saving more lives on time: Strategic policy implementation and financial inclusion for safe abortion in Indonesia during COVID-19 and beyond | Frontiers in Women's Global Health
@fluffy actually #safeabortion was trending earlier today but all the instances that were talking about it probably used fediblock lol
September 28th marked the #InternationalSafeAbortion Day. I won't comment much more, except that abortion is a human right! Abortions are healthcare! Anyone who negates that rescinds the lives of innumerable women!
#SafeAbortion #WomensRights #AbortionIsHealthcare
#InternationalSafeAbortion #safeabortion #WomensRights #AbortionIsHealthcare
RT @UN_Women: Today is #SafeAbortion Day & here's a reminder:
Over 1.2 billion women & girls live in countries with some restrictions on access to safe abortion.
When safe & legal access to abortion is restricted, women are forced to resort to less safe methods, often with damaging results.
Today is Safe Abortion day. The autonomous decision-making of women and girls must be respected. Emotional to be in Poland, which has so many unsafe abortions, today. 1/ 🪡 #safeabortion #shrhr #healthcare
#safeabortion #shrhr #healthcare
RT @UN_Women: Today is #SafeAbortion Day & here's a reminder:
Over 1.2 billion women & girls live in countries with some restrictions on access to safe abortion.
When safe & legal access to abortion is restricted, women are forced to resort to less safe methods, often with damaging results.
Artist: #iamfinley in Loc. : USA 🇺🇸 🩸- #art #MastoArt #urbanart #woman #arbortionrights #arbortion #womanrights #feminism #safeabortion #frauenRechte #fotografie #photography
#photography #fotografie #Frauenrechte #safeabortion #feminism #womanrights #arbortion #arbortionrights #woman #urbanart #MastoArt #art #iamfinley
Het recht op abortus staat niet alleen in de VS onder druk. Want wereldwijd, ook in Europa, winnen conservatieve bewegingen steeds meer terrein. Daarom debatteerde het EP gisteren over de bedreiging van 🌍 abortusrechten.
#BaasInEigenBuik #safeabortion
Mijn bijdrage 👇
#BaasInEigenBuik #safeabortion