#25maggio #IMCD2023 #MissingChildren #SafeChildhood Migliaia di piccoli ucraini 🇺🇦sono stati rapiti, deportati o trattenuti in Russia dall’inizio della guerra. Oggi dedichiamo a loro la Giornata internazionale dei #bambini scomparsi @europarl_en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CaterinaChinnic/status/1661599820782645250
#25maggio #IMCD2023 #missingchildren #safechildhood #bambini
Glad to be elected today Board member of the International Center for Missing & Exploited Children.I am impressed of @ICMEC_official commitment, great work and impact to protect and empower children. #safechildhood #missingchildren #childsexualabuse #safeinternetforkids
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1659305262069448707
#safechildhood #missingchildren #childsexualabuse #safeinternetforkids
This is fantastic to see and it’s one of those things that just make sense. What an outstanding way to empower victims and help give them strength. Please review this resource and pass along to anyone you feel it may benefit!
Per @missingkids: “The past doesn’t have to define your future. You can’t go back and unsend, but we can help remove your explicit images online so you can move forward. Learn more: takeitdown.ncmec.org
#SafeChildhood #NCMECTakeItDown “
#safechildhood #ncmectakeitdown
John Arnos has supported NCMEC's critical mission since 1998. Now, to celebrate his 90th birthday he will skydive to raise money for missing and exploited children, because every child deserves a #safechildhood.
Are you ready to jump with him? gofundme.com/f/john-arnos-9…
#missingkids #ncmec #safechildhood