RT @SuojellaanLapsi: Vi vill alla ha samma sak – en värld där barn är trygga. Tillsammans kan vi stoppa sexuellt våld mot barn i Europa. Vi behöver lagstiftning som skyddar barn på nätet..
Skriv under uppropet för att göra internet #SafeForKids: https://justice-initiative.eu/sv/petition/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/maritaulvskog/status/1629041387726417921
Great initiative! Fight child sexual abuse, support my proposal, sign the petition👇🏼 @eu__justice #safeforkids #bebraveeurope #ChildSafetyOn #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
RT @SuojellaanLapsi: We all want the same thing - a world where children are safe and can thrive online. Today, together with the Justice Initiative
@eu__justice we are launching our petition to make the internet #safeforkids !
Read more and sign the petition 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1628426790157922304
#safeforkids #BeBraveEurope #ChildSafetyOn #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
RT @YlvaJohansson: Great initiative! Fight child sexual abuse, support my proposal, sign the petition👇🏼 @eu__justice #safeforkids #bebraveeurope #ChildSafetyOn #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EEAthina/status/1628450277421465600
#safeforkids #BeBraveEurope #ChildSafetyOn #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
❗️ Children are at risk of sexual abuse #online. Last year @EU_Commission proposed a new legislation to fight this.
Today, survivor groups launched an international petition to make the Internet #safeforkids.
Sign the petition ↓ #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1628390938581106688
#online #safeforkids #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
RT @eu__justice: Sign the petition to make the internet #safeforkids: https://justice-initiative.eu/petition/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNL/status/1628356267390410752
Because of the #federatedfeed tho, I have questions about #mastodonculture with #NSFW things - a lot of what I do or talk about can be triggering or just not something I want in kid-friendly spaces, what's the vibe on that?
Do we just #cw all our posts? How do we make this space #safeforkids or at least do responsible actions enough to keep our content out of their hands?
#safeforkids #cw #NSFW #mastodonculture #federatedfeed