#Sacramento City leases property to Safe Ground Sacramento for a self-governing 'safe parking shelter' - City Express https://sacramentocityexpress.com/2023/03/31/city-leases-property-to-safe-ground-sacramento-for-a-self-governing-safe-parking-shelter/
#homeless #SafeParking
#sacramento #homeless #safeparking
RT @tmccormick
@Prado_Reports @Oakland extraordinary, turbulent scenes & developments around clearances of #CityOfBerkeley #SafeParking site, & #Oakland's #WoodStreetCommons camp (near which I formerly lived). Restraining Order granted in OAK, somewhat like 12/23 Preliminary Injunction in SF https://lccrsf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/PI-Order.pdf https://twitter.com/prado_reports/status/1611497082077970436
#cityofberkeley #safeparking #oakland #woodstreetcommons
RT @KtownforAll@twitter.com
Funding 11 #SafeParking sites is not enough to justify the vehicle dwelling ban in most parts of LA. Criminalizing vehicle dwelling means people lose their cars, making it harder to escape homelessness. @MitchOFarrell@twitter.com @HerbJWesson@twitter.com tents or cars?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KtownforAll/status/1135026370499584000