I really think we're missing the boat as to an obvious place for these #SafePlace decals...
On #Uber vehicles! Just think...you're an Uber driver at a stoplight and someone is in trouble. They see your decal, wave you down, and you take them to safety!
I really think #RCID, #Orlando, #Osceola county, etc, needs think about this! I'd put it on my rear window!
#safeplace #uber #rcid #orlando #osceola
Vu l’arrivée de pleins de nouveaux… mon #intro.
Je suis Laurent. Très peu connu sur Twitter et encore moins ici, je suis tech info irl et j’aide mes clients à retrouver leur mots de passe ou je leur explique comment ils ont réussi à fissurer l’écran de leur ordi.
Sinon je fais de la pâtisserie que je toot ici des fois.
J’ai été graphiste, typographe à une époque où ça payait déjà pas et web designer quand il n’y avait encore qu’une seule version du web.
Welcome 🙏
🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ ⚧️ #SafePlace
New Zealand quite the opposite of the USA!
#abortion #nz #usa #safeplace #healthasitshouldbe #safetyfirst
#abortion #nz #usa #safeplace #healthasitshouldbe #safetyfirst
Me encuentro reviendo #FruitsBasket y definitivamente este anime es mi #SafePlace 🌿
Since it's recycling day, the conversation naturally turns to “should we keep that around for the cats?”
#Caturday #catsofmastodon #safeplace #cats
Because He wishes to bless the people of this world and us, He has chosen to work through the prayers of men.
Read the full article: Do you need a safer community?
▸ https://apcreationshub.com/do-you-need-a-safer-community/?utm_campaign=do-you-need-a-safer-community&utm_medium=social_link&utm_source=missinglettr-twitter
#community #Courses #Christian #HurtingChristianWomen #SafePlace #ChristJesus https://twitter.com/theannakpayne/status/1643028763628666881/photo/1
#community #Courses #christian #hurtingchristianwomen #safeplace #christjesus
I love Wil Wheaton so damn much.
“The library is a safe place.”
#safeplace #wilwheaton #writers #Books #libraries
I've seen a lot of posts on The Library is a Safe Place and this entry by Wil Wheaton may have caused some emotions.
Because for me too, when I didn't have friends, the books were my friends. The librarians who trusted me with helping out with them made me feel valued.
#Library #SafePlace
We are experiencing extreme weather, and this little one is sheltering in place in the bathroom.
When the thunder and the lightning happen, this is her safe place.
#doggos #safeplace #dogsofmastodon #storms
Discuss gender variance and crossgender feelings over at the Crossdream Life Forum. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/crossdreamlife/
#transgender #safeplace #nonbinary #genderfluid
Schaue grad nen nicen Stream von schmelzbrötchen :3 joint uns: https://www.twitch.tv/schmelzbroetchen/
#hogwartslegacy #twitchde #safeplace
RT @mohebshaf@twitter.com
Grüne leisteten bis zuletzt erbitterten Widerstand; Bezirksbürgermeisterin droht mit rechtl. Schritten.
Gut, dass @ollinoell@twitter.com zusammen mit @AndyHehmke@twitter.com dieses Projekt trotzdem realisieren konnten. Mit Stimmen von @LinkeXhain@twitter.com,@SPD_BVVXhain@twitter.com, @cduxhain@twitter.com,@fdpxhain@twitter.com.#bvvxhain #safeplace https://twitter.com/SenIAS_Berlin/status/1618587626650628106
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mohebshaf/status/1618690726308773888
RT @AndyHehmke@twitter.com
Eröffnung des ersten Safe Place für obdachlose Menschen am Ostbahnhof. Mein Kollege Oliver Nöll, Sozialstadtrat, und ich haben in enger Kooperation das Vorhaben auf den Weg gebracht. @SPDXHain@twitter.com #safeplace #friedrichshain
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AndyHehmke/status/1618603128278126592
Libraries, as they are today, absolutely should not be on the front line of the homeless crisis, people who are unsheltered deserve better: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/24/us-libraries-homeless-crisis-social-workers
Day centers like the new one in Multnomah county are what's needed, "Over the next months, all five floors will be opened for showers, laundry, mental health services, shelter beds and transitional housing." - https://www.streetroots.org/news/2022/11/23/directors-desk-multnomah-county-offers-constructive-contrast-mayor-s-plans-mass
#Unsheltered #Library #ResourceCenter #DayShelter #Homeless #MultnomahCounty #SocialWork #SafePlace
#unsheltered #library #resourcecenter #dayshelter #homeless #multnomahcounty #socialwork #safeplace
Wir wollen einen #SafePlace für Obdachlose, an dem sie auch wirklich safe sind! 2/2
Vuelvo de entre los muertos para comentar que ya no tengo fiebre 🎉🎊 jajaja Por las dudas me obligaron a hacer uno de esos tests de covid y no tengo. Es más una angina o algo así
El lado bueno es que durante estos días no sufrí el agobiante calor y que entre delirio y delirio terminé el libro 3 de Avatar: La leyenda de Aang
Esa serie es uno de mis #SafePlace cuando siento que el mundo se me viene abajo y me ayudó a mantenerme tranquila y concentrarme en recuperarme y no en todo el trabajo que voy a tener pendiente cuando vuelva a la oficina xD
En fin, me voy a quedar dando vueltas un rato por acá antes de acostarme de nuevo. Espero que estén muy bien 😊
How to say’ “Welcome” in Hebrew!
One of the simplest and warmest of greetings is to “welcome” someone. Opening up your home and yourself to others, to new experiences, and memories.
#welcome #hebrew #greeting #hebrewbyinbal #warmwelcome #youarewelcome #safeplace #safespace #jewish #howtosay #shalom #welcomeparty #welcomehome #welcoming #israel #biblestudy #greetings
#welcome #hebrew #greeting #hebrewbyinbal #warmwelcome #youarewelcome #safeplace #safespace #jewish #howtosay #shalom #welcomeparty #welcomehome #welcoming #israel #biblestudy #greetings
He waits for me almost every night. Then comes into bed and sleeps there. He tried to “nurse” on my neck after I adopted him from the #humanesociety and he has so many weird quirks from trauma and an eye wound from the streets. he paws and makes biscuits under my arms most nights. raised from a young kitten and is snoring sound asleep. he is so great. #love #catsofmastodon #safeplace #HeSnores #cats #therapy #healing
#humanesociety #love #catsofmastodon #safeplace #hesnores #cats #therapy #healing