‘We Need to Confront the Lie That There are ‘Safe Routes’ for Refugees to Come to the UK https://bylinetimes.com/2023/08/31/we-need-to-confront-the-lie-that-there-are-safe-routes-for-refugees-to-come-to-the-uk/ #uk #ukpolitics #refugees #saferoutes #tories
#uk #ukpolitics #refugees #saferoutes #tories
Oh my goodness, is there no level to which this government will not stoop to persecute people seeking asylum? This is abhorrent.
The British public generally do not share the xenophobia of this government. Someone please stop them!
“It should be made clear that neither adult or child should be criminalised for arriving in the UK to claim asylum, an offence that clearly contravenes the refugee convention.”
#Refugees #Asylum #Immigration #SafeRoutes #Brexit
#Brexit #saferoutes #immigration #asylum #Refugees
Where has this ludicrous idea that the #UK should process asylum claims in #France come from? Is there air too pure here for asylum seekers to breath?
It is as if Diane Abbott and others promoting this so called progressive policy have forgotten that ferries cross the channel every 40 minutes or so. Perhaps they can no longer see asylum seekers as people and so can't imagine them travelling like a normal human being.
Any which way, it is weird and must be opposed. File under #SafeRoutes as another terrible idea the moment you reflect on what it mean
Surely the best way to break the people smugglers business model is to include giving the 75% who should be entitled to be genuine refugees a safe route as it will make people smuggling less profitable. Safe routes than are routes to refugee status that actually work.
#saferoutes #SmallBoats #PeopleSmugglers
Calls for #SafeRoutes for #refugees mount after six more #ChannelDrownings
Lack of safe passage called ‘moral disgrace’ as helpers say legal routes would end dangerous crossings
#asylum #ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryInhumanity
#toryinhumanity #torypoliciesinaction #asylum #channeldrownings #refugees #saferoutes
I think that #asylum needs to be thought of as something #sacred. I haven't quite worked this out yet.
There is the basic necessity of a system of asylum. To believe in asylum is to believe in freedom. It is to accept that an individual who does not fit into the community of her nativity can flee. It is to believe that we cannot be forced to conform by tyrannical masters or norms, that the individual can escape authority.
That is not yet sacrosanct. There are two more aspects. The first is a sort of Fregean context principle but applied to people and communities. Never ask after the meaning of an individual in isolation from the community. Just as the significance of a word is its contribution to the significance of sentences in which it can occur, a person is fundamentally part of community. But see above, there are only sentences because there are words and there are only communities because there are individuals. It is the individuals who count.
The second is that a person outside of a legal system is without standing, without protection and, because of the context principle, has lost her personhood. On a very practical level, the asylum seeker is outside the protection of the law but subject to its force. Border spaces are so violent not because people on the move are criminalised, the criminal can expect due process, but because they are outlawed. You can do anything to a non-person. (All classic #Arendt.)
So we need a process of asylum to bring people in, to end exile, which must then be a sort of rebirth, a new beginning, a rupture. It must be inviolable and unconditional, or perhaps only conditioned on need. We cannot regulate people's mobility, accepting claims only from those who apply through the appropriate channels or travel on '#SafeRoutes' as the #UK establishment wish. Instead we must respond to the unconditional need of the person who has no legal standing and bring her in so that she can be remade. That is something sacred
#asylum #sacred #arendt #saferoutes #uk
“I couldn’t stand the way prisoners were treated on the Bibby Stockholm. The staff become like that, because the whole culture there is like that. Inhuman. They do not see the residents as people with a history, but as numbers.”
Security Guard,
Bibby Stockholm,
#bibbystockholm #UKAsylumPolicy #refugeeswelcome #saferoutes
Its nothing but useless words. They are in practice trying to prevent most folk from claiming asylum. Most places folk need to flea from there are no safe routes & some of those there are don't work (hence Afghans who worked with the British having to resort to small boats).
#AsylumBan #saferoutes #tories #asylum
I want to talk about #SafeRoutes. The only safe routes needed to the #UK are ferries, trains and planes. Even if you don't want visa free travel, at least support people being able to claim asylum at the juxtaposed border controls in France. You should be able to claim asylum there and travel on a ferry to the UK.
Why is this important? Because the government's own justification for their new law is that all migration should be regular to save lives. That logic must be rejected.
Sure, it would be better if there were more humanitarian visas, but the choice is not between a handful of handpicked refugees and two handfuls. Nor would it improve matters if serious numbers of people could access regular channels.
No, the issue is the illegitimacy of the state controlling your mobility. The obverse of wanting a humanitarian visa as the sole or main route to asylum is that the state is the arbiter of who can build a life here, in this case who merits protection here.
A state should have no such power. It should have no such power in general. Each human should be able to pursue her own happiness how and where she sees fit. But, in particular, the state should have no such power over asylum.
Asylum is an absolute right. If you cannot get the protection of the country of your normal residency, you will find yourself outside of all legal systems, outside of all communities. You are without protection from the law. You must be able to start again somewhere. The only practical way to make that 'somewhere' an actual place is for all states to acknowledge that they have no right to restrict the mobility of refugees.
U.K. House of Lords Illegal Immigration Bill debate start time moved to 11 p.m.
"The way this is being structured is like a punishment beating for the House of Lords, for daring to question a particular piece of government legislation."
Lord Toby Harris,
Labour Peer,
House of Lords,
#NoWayToRunACountry #ukpolitics #illegalmigrationbill #refugeeswelcome #saferoutes
"Today in the Lords ... A total mess. We'll be sitting from 2.30pm on various issues, but we'll be waiting until 10pm to start work on the Illegal Migration Bill.Advice we've had: "Aim to start 10pm (although it might end up somewhat later)".
"So making law depends on which side can keep its people awake for longer. A bad law being pushed through by a bad process."
Jenny Jones,
Green Party Peer,
#NoWayToRunACountry #ukpolitics #illegalmigrationbill #refugeeswelcome #saferoutes
Scandal of refugee families separated by UK red tape | The Independent
#refugees #SeperatedFamilies #FamilyReunification #Visas #RedTape #SmallBoats #PeopleSmugglers #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #saferoutes #homeoffice #Braverman #SafePassageInternational #safepassagenow #RefugeeBanBill
They're still voting but so far the U.K. House of Commons have to reject every single one of the House of Lords ammendments to the Illegal Migration Bill.
The House of Lords ammendments were taking out the very worst parts of a terrible bill that is unworkable, probably unlawful, and severely impinges on the human rights of asylum seekers coming to the U.K.
The House of Commons is just putting them all back in again. They are cartoon fascists.
#UKAsylumPolicy #refugeeswelcome #saferoutes
Just two Afghans promised safe haven by UK army brought from Pakistan in past three months | The Independent
#afghanistan #AfghanRefugees #UKArmy #pakistan #ARAP #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #SafeRoutesForAfghansDontWork #saferoutes #rwanda #AfghanPilot #SmallBoats #arcs
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Safe routes’ for refugees so slow that toddler died waiting.
Iraqi refugees who have spent years stuck in Turkey tell openDemocracy they understand why some turn to smugglers
#migration #asylum #Turkey #UK #EHCR #saferoutes #humanrights
#migration #asylum #turkey #uk #ehcr #saferoutes #HumanRights
Devolve immigration powers for refugees to #Scotland, #Wales and #NorthernIreland
#assylumseekerswelcome #saferoutes #assylum #refugees #northernireland #wales #scotland
Tory fury as civil servants threaten strike over Rwanda policy | The Independent
#rwanda #civilservice #civilservants #tories #SmallBoats #AsylumBan #homeoffice #ReesMogg #strikes #patel #Braverman #IllegalMigrationBill #asylumseekers #modernslavery #UNRefugeeAgency #mentalhealth #BeingRequiredToDoSomethingIllegal #PoliticalFootball #highcourt #pcs #saferoutes #safepassagenow
Once more for those at the back: There are NO #SafeRoutes to the UK for #refugees. And that is deliberate policy of the government.
#notinmyname #refugees #saferoutes
Updated list of bike-related hashtags to add a category for Bike Spectating--terms like #CouchPeloton and the names of the monument races (#TourDeFrance, #Giro etc.). What am I missing that you've found useful in finding/chatting with bike folks who share your particular interests? I have a heavy dose of policy tags, that's for sure. http://bikestylespokane.com/2023/04/09/hashtag-bikes/ #BikeTooter #Bikenomics #CrashNotAccident #VisionZero #cycling #VeloLife #velo #SafeRoutes #WomenBike #RideLikeAGirl #FamilyBikes #EBikes
#couchpeloton #tourdefrance #giro #BikeTooter #bikenomics #CrashNotAccident #visionzero #cycling #velolife #velo #saferoutes #womenbike #ridelikeagirl #familybikes #ebikes
Re 4/5 Together with members of the Sudanese diaspora in Europe who wrote the petition below, we ask the #EU to close all support to the war, to enforce the #GenevaConvention & to provide humanitarian corridors & #SafeRoutes within and out of the war zones:https://www.change.org/p/urgent-call-to-the-european-union-european-civil-society-and-policy-makers
#eu #genevaconvention #saferoutes