Delia Christina · @DeliaChristina
2235 followers · 6686 posts · Server

Jesus. My 'liberal' NIMBY-esque neighborhood of Rockridge is starting civilian 'safety' patrols. WTF.

From the Q&A in the local newsletter:

"What will the driver do if they see an incident in progress? - Our drivers' primary duty is to observe, support, report, and when necessary serve as expert witness. When they see unusual activity, rather than make assumptions, they approach the scene in a friendly manner and ask if someone requires assistance before determining the next best response."

I wonder how much time their civilian drivers have spent interrogating their 'assumptions.'

#saferrockridge #oakland #EastBay #sfba #implicitbias #safetyasacoverforwhitesurpremacistculture

Last updated 1 year ago