"Wie verroht und kaputt muss man sein, dass man systematisch und mit manipulativer Methodik, seine eigenen Fans auf Sexobjekte reduziert und ihnen ihre Konzerterfahrung zerstört, für die sie einen überteuerten Preis gezahlt haben?"
Exakt. #rammstein #tillindemann #safespaces #vate
#rammstein #tillindemann #safespaces #vate
Nestled near one another on 20th and Union, events venue Made Space and salon Loving Room opened during the pandemic and have quickly become generative, #BlackCentered, and creative #SafeSpaces in the neighborhood. And from July 29 to 30, the two businesses are collaborating to throw Books Bites n’ Beats, a neighborhood #BlockParty celebrating the #Black #diaspora in the Central District with food, music, dance, films, and books.
#blackcentered #safespaces #blockparty #black #diaspora #seattle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #poc
Pride Month: Creating a Safe and Respectful Workplace | Journey to Diversity Workplaces https://www.j2dw.ngo/2023/06/safe-workplace-pride/ #2SLGBTQ #J2DW #SafeSpaces #LGBTQ #Work #PrideMonth #onpoli #Barrie #LdnOnt @onpoli
#2slgbtq #j2dw #safespaces #lgbtq #work #pridemonth #onpoli #barrie #ldnont
Here's an opportunity to rethink how we go about creating safe spaces inside and outside of nightlife businesses and venues. Just dropped, my latest podcast with Dr. Phillip Wadds has me rethinking the term "harm reduction."
Listen up: https://24hournation.com/podcast/create-safer-spaces/
#24HourNation #24Minutes #PhillipWadds #HarmReduction #Nightlife #NightlifeDistricts #NighttimeEconomy #PhillipWadds #Podcast #PublicSafety #Regulations #Research #SafeSpaces #Security #SecurityPersonnel #UniversityOfNewSouthWales
#UniversityofNewSouthWales #securitypersonnel #Security #safespaces #Research #Regulations #publicsafety #Podcast #nighttimeeconomy #nightlifedistricts #nightlife #harmreduction #phillipwadds #24minutes #24hournation
I'd just like to let everyone know that this account is a safe space for any & all Sexual & Gender identities. You're always free to be yourself within any space of mine, even if you're not sure what you are yet. None of that don't matter to me as I just want you to be as happy & comfortable as can be. Come as you are. :blobfoxheart: :heart_pride: :heart_trans: :heart_bi: :heart_nb: :heart_ace: :HeartAgender: :heart_is: :ms_lesbian_flag: :ms_pansexual_flag: #Pride #PrideMonth #LGBTQ #SafeSpaces
#safespaces #lgbtq #pridemonth #pride
There are several problems with gay bars: one, that you have to stay up too late, and, two, that they’re designed to be exhilarating. This typically means the music is loud and your attention is directed to the glitterati: “Who’s that hunk coming in the door now?” As a patron, your attention is always wandering. And then there’s the alcohol issue. For some, that’s a third problem.
#LGBTQ #SafeSpaces #GayBars #CityAndCountry #Equality
#lgbtq #safespaces #gaybars #cityandcountry #equality
That’s our Prism & Pen writing prompt for the next two weeks. Are the bars coming back? I don’t think so. What do you think? If they don’t come back, how should we or can we create the safe community spaces we need?
#LGBTQ #WritingPrompt #SafeSpaces
#lgbtq #writingprompt #safespaces
It feels like queer and especially trans people can’t go outside without being berated or assaulted. My partner was called a “faggot” a few blocks from our home in a progressive city in a progressive state. How 90’s of them! I didn’t even know people still used that word as a slur!
#LGBTQ #Queer #SafeSpaces #GayBars
#lgbtq #queer #safespaces #gaybars
@xakan oui
(À moins que Nous nous en occupions ?
#RestPlaces #SafeSpaces etc)
Non seulement l'économie mais tout le système de dominationS qui va avec.
Si le chamanisme laïque et la créativité radicale avaient une autre place dans un système capitalistique thermo-industrio-sataniste post-apocalyptique que celle de l'exclusion, ce serait moins dur pour beaucoup d'entre nous
@catherinecronin That sounds awesome!! Thanks for sharing :)
Did Prajakta connect these insights into warm spaces with theoretical assumptions on #BraveSpaces or #SafeSpaces in #HigherEd?
#bravespaces #safespaces #highered
Public spaces must be #SafeSpaces. Legislation is needed to ensure the police can protect safe spaces from nazi hate rallies. Big hugs to those traumatised by Melbourne events
Can I just say, so happy I made the leap to #mastodon
It's a safe space for people for the most part, and unlike other spaces run by .. whose name we shall not mention #Voldemort.
Great way for finding a community that gets you. #socialmedia #safespaces #actuallyautistic
Social media when decentralised and regulated well can be a good place to connect.
I have such a range of interests as well but lots of #technerds #musicnerds #writers of all genres and #gardening fans on here. Love it.
#mastodon #voldemort #socialmedia #safespaces #actuallyautistic #technerds #musicnerds #writers #gardening
Now she wants #SafeSpaces for #MAGAts
Isn't that Truth Social?
She should just move to Mar-A-Lago
I'm sure #TFG will enjoy having her around all the time howling at him:
"Make me your VP
Make me your VP
Make me your VP"
#ExpelMarjorieTaylorGreene #TFG #magats #safespaces #marjorietaylorgreeneissodumb
I have a good friend, she’s #FirstNation #Bipoc works in healing tradition, including trans/LGBTQI+ and with creating #SafeSpaces
They are looking for a web designer, would prefer to give business to their community - not yet on fedi.
Any suggestions?
Setting up space for business.
#firstnation #bipoc #safespaces
Even when there's nothing "new" when these stories get written, I'll never get enough of them.
Community is our culture. I'm so happy to see stories like this hit mainstream outlets.😍
#LGBTQIA+ #SafeSpaces #ChosenFamily
#FoundFamily #QueerBusinesses
AP News: Queer bars offer sacred space for LGBTQ community
#lgbtqia #safespaces #chosenfamily #foundfamily #queerbusinesses
As a mature adult, I oppose #safespaces and will be blocking them as part of #CounterFediBlock.
This year #QueerSpaces come under renewed attack that forced many of its venues to be even more mindful when it comes to matters of #security. It is more important than ever for these #SafeSpaces to thrive on from the rise of #anti-trans attacks. #LGBTQ #Transgender
#queerspaces #security #safespaces #anti #lgbtq #transgender
This is a year old, but re-listening to #Soaliha talk about #SafeSpaces and #SaferSpaces because this has been, to date, the best dialogue about the same I have heard to date, centred around #Intersectionality. The way she describes the highest and best use of #ContentWarnings is a gem.
#soaliha #safespaces #saferspaces #intersectionality #contentwarnings