@NefariousAryq the full article is better, but the thought process should be WHY are motorists speeding, running lights and what could be changed about the roadway design to prevent that instead of saying it's all on the motorists behavior. National #SafeSystem approach is now that it is shared responsibility between motorists and transportation system. Solutions exist. Hoboken NJ as an example: 4 years w/o traffic fatality due to redesigning their roads.
Again louder for those in the back: Road design determines safety. Road design determines motorist behavior. Change the road design to improve safety and change motorist behavior. #ThereAreNoAccidents #TheseAreResults
#therearenoaccidents #theseareresults #dangerousbydesign #safesystem
We could use a ton of these in Seattle.
RT @dongho_chang@twitter.com
Raised crosswalk in Bellevue #safesystem https://instagr.am/p/CkenPQnPKgg/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dongho_chang/status/1587961766683746306