@safe_hrm @NovaNaturalist @matthewguy @mendel I'll sign it too. I also miss cat's eyes. reflective paint would be better than nothing, which is what we currently have... #RoadSafety #SafeSystems
Got the indomitable and incomparable @sethlaj dropping some #SafeSystem wizardry on my #CompleteStreets students today. I'm sadly missing the fun (thanks, #COVID) but at least got a glimpse of the title slide before they dove in.
Trying to deal with my #FOMO like an adult, but this is one talk I definitely did not want to miss!
#SafeSystem #completestreets #covid #fomo #DCRPCarolina #unc #roadsafety #safesystems
@sps @wayemason I would prefer to see #SafeSystems approaches applied, to encourage responsible behaviour from drivers & make things easy & obvious to ensure compliance. But since that approach hasn't yet been fully adopted here, education can't hurt. Case in point, the number of drivers who still go staight on Vernon at the Jubilee intersection ignoring the "bicycle only" signs, or who ignore the "no RTOR" around the South Park Bike Lane. Confused drivers put everyone at risk #ZeroVisionHFX
Today, organizations are joining a USDOT call to action to make roadways safe for everyone by supporting the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) that includes #VisionZero, #SafeSystems, and safe walking, biking, and rolling for all.
A recent NRSS progress report details efforts in the last year and next steps: https://bit.ly/3RwH23h
Getting to zero fatalities and injuries will require everyone doing their part. Join the call and share specific actions here:
Have 20 minute?s Watch #NTSB Chair #JenniferHomendy give a keynote at #TRBAM (annual #Transportation Research Board mtg in #DC)
She's on fire about
#VisionZero #SafeSystems Oversize #SUV + 3000-lb #EV batteries
"We're fighting for the 43,000 people who die annually on our roads, and the millions more who are injured... To get to zero deaths we need to be fearless.. Fearless in having the political will do do the hard things."
She's my new hero!
#ntsb #jenniferhomendy #TRBAM #transportation #dc #visionzero #safesystems #suv #ev #ClimateAction
@DrTCombs @bikepedantic it's really hard to get past FHWA publications. Did you see that ex-ITS America leader Shailen Bhatt was confirmed to head FHWA. I'm hoping we don't lose all that we've gained recently in terms of #SafeSystems and Active Transportation priority.
If you missed this talk on #SafeSystems yesterday, you can catch the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-SYT-RsizA
And see the detailed list of ten pitfalls here: https://www.roadsafety.unc.edu/home/prof-dev-focus-area/top10sspitfalls/
And sign up for Part II here! https://www.roadsafety.unc.edu/profdev/cscrs-webinar-series/
10 Common Pitfalls Toward Creating a #SafeSystem!
My amazing colleagues, @sethlaj and Eric Dumbaugh, discussed how common planning & engineering practices get #SafeSystems wrong, and how we can start to make it right, in today's #CSCRS Practice Bytes webinar
#SafeSystem #safesystems #cscrs