In the USA, you can have it all -- beautiful home, top-notch education, health, care for your children -- if you have the money to fund it. Money rigs the legal system in your favor through lawyer fees and bail payments. Money is political speech. This is what we must fight. Bail reform through Illinois' SAFE-T Act is one small piece of eliminating the role of wealth in of our systems. #Illinois #SafeTActIllinois #BailReform
#bailreform #safetactillinois #illinois
The Illinois Supreme Court ruled that ending cash bail is constitutional in Illinois! Now the amount of money a person has won't determine whether they get out of jail while awaiting trial. Judges can still keep people in jail awaiting trial, but now it will be based on their risk of flight or danger to the community, not how much money they have. #safetactillinois #endcashbail #illinois
#illinois #endcashbail #safetactillinois