MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server

@evolvable “Nice” those people always coming up with the “solution” that poorer countries will becoming wealthier and thus the population will reduce 😂 at the end of the century which is far to late. It’s a nice way to to tell that you do not want to take responsibility 🤷🏻‍♀️ but we should act now. Reducing birth we should do everywhere also in developed countries. Al climate effort remain peanuts compare to reducing birth

#safetheearth #climatechange #reducebirthforbeterclimate

Last updated 2 years ago

MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server

@RhinosWorryMe @breadandcircuses Greta has a very large following and a much larger reach. I guess it would be better instead of becoming angry to use her advantage convincing those people to start acting by themselves. Waiting for Governments while everyone could start today is a waist of valuable time especially for people who are angry because of delays from industry and government.

#reducesbirthtosafetheearth #reducepersonalfootprint #safetheearth

Last updated 2 years ago