@DrewNaylor I’m a former fire fighter and am pretty good on ladders. Also a #SafetyThird kind of duck
An die Klettersteiggeher unter euch, findet alles, was an dieser Ausrüstung falsch ist.
#viaferrata #klettersteig #safetythird
#viaferrata #klettersteig #safetythird
Safety lecture before you embark on this vehicle for a ride:
🔞 No minors allowed.
🔁 Boosting is welcome and encouraged.
♻️ Don’t repost anywhere else, with or without credit.
🥵 All interactions are welcome. I’m easy and thirsty.
👉🏽👌🏽 Don’t be afraid to be explicit. Some people are autistic.
#rulesmatter #safetythird
I don't like to speak ill of the dead but... by the Eight and One, this man was a complete moron!
#SafetyThird #electricity #capitalism
#safetythird #electricity #capitalism
This is a surprisingly catchy tune. lol.
Shake Hands with Danger!
Moving sale! 3 for $25 or 10 for $69. Get these gorgeous #SafetyThird and #NotDeadYet pins, with deluxe locking pin backs and FREE shipping in the USA.
Safety Third pins:
Not Dead Yet pins:
Every order comes with bonus stickers and handwritten prose from @1dark1.
Exclusively from StickerThePla.net.
#safetythird #notdeadyet #epluribusstickerum
If your gear is lacking in bling, try some hacker stickers made by @1dark1 (@Stickerum) like #SafetyThird ! Lol
I went walking in Huron Natural Area yesterday and was riddled with anxiety when I saw all sorts of people walking on the frozen pond. It hasn’t been that cold lately. It rained the other night when it was pretty warm. The edges of the pond showed thin and rotting ice. What the hell, people? And you’re taking your children out there, too? Oh hell no. #ThinIce #SafetyThird #DarwinAward
#ThinIce #safetythird #darwinaward
Earnt our Sunday Lunch at my parents today.
I wonder why my son likes it when we leave him there?
It's my very fourth birthday! Four years ago, one #SafetyThird sticker was born! There is another product coming in March, to celebrate!
🥲 me so happy 💓
I gave away every single #CyberRamen sticker 😅
@last_person is the bestest.
His gorgeous silkscreen 2.0 with The Wave, and 1337 #SafetyThird school bus sticker.
@Stickerum just got my stickers in the post in the UK, thank you!!! #safetyThird
Sometimes the little things make me smile. Thanks for the quick note in my order @Stickerum @1dark1. #SafetyThird
What if you could get one of EACH STICKER from stickerthepla.net in a starter pack for $9 USD?
#BlackFriday #SmallBusinessSaturday #CyberMonday #SafetyThird #HardwareHacker #NotDeadYet #AsSeenOnShodan
#stickertheplanet #epluribusstickerum #blackfriday #smallbusinesssaturday #cybermonday #safetythird #hardwarehacker #notdeadyet #asseenonshodan
@binsk @Stickerum I will fix it! Thank you! Our QA department runs on pure, unfiltered #SafetyThird