Saw something on the news last night that truly made me 🤣. In a story about #AI #scams, the reporter advised family members should have a safeword only that shared, so they could be safe from digital #predators.
Yes we often require safe words for other reasons too! 😈😈 Maybe he meant #passphrase? Details…
#ai #scams #predators #passphrase #consent #safeword #safety #safecall #checkins
@That_AC Bet. We should come up with a #SafeWord just in case 😂 #BePrepared
Was ist das #Safeword?
Ich hab's vergessen sag nochmal
Eine Frage … wenn ich mir eine Alexa hole und die morgens schon mal das Licht anmachen lasse, wenn ich eigentlich noch nicht aufstehen will, wie kann ich die dazu bewegen dass sie ignoriert wenn ich sage sie soll’s wieder ausmachen?
There seems to be this misconception (especially among inexperienced kinksters & vanilla people) that a #safeword is the only way to stop a #BDSM scene, while in reality, it's an emergency stop. Communication between participants is usually constant - through body language, observing reactions, checking in verbally...
And honestly, that type of communication should be present even in vanilla settings (which, speaking from my & my friends' experiences, is sadly far from the norm)
Tonight's piss-poor effort is sponsored by The Excruciating Pun Corporation Ltd.
Sometimes I remember that this post exist and it has helped me so much. So I have to share it with you because it might help you as well.
#communication #safeword #clarity