14 years ago with an #orange 3 finger #safs
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cute guy with #brokenarm in a #safs
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#Aeroinside - First A380 powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel takes to the skies
#airbus @airbus #safs #netzero #flying netzero.aero/2022/03/28/fir… - https://twitter.com/AeroInsideCom/status/1508442477044412422
#Aeroinside #airbus #safs #netzero #flying
#Aeroinside - Airbus flies their A319neo with 100% sustainable aviation fuel for the first time @airbus #safs #sustainableaviationfuels #fuels #netzero #aviation #flying #airbus #a319 netzero.aero/2021/10/29/air… - https://twitter.com/AeroInsideCom/status/1454083717341892608
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#Aeroinside - Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Shell are investing to get long-haul aviation towards net zero. @RollsRoyce @Airbus @Shell #saf #safs #longhaulflight #aviation #avgeeks #flying #airbus #shell #rollsroyce#trent netzero.aero/2021/10/14/rol… - https://twitter.com/AeroInsideCom/status/1448548435158777857
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#Aeroinside - New Interview is out:
Boom Supersonic: The Strategy for Sustainability
@boomaero #boom #boomsupersonic #safs #sustainability #aviation #supersonictravel #aviationfuel netzero.aero/2021/10/13/boo… - https://twitter.com/AeroInsideCom/status/1448203593648001033
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#プラモデル #マシーネンクリーガー
1/20 #SAFS “ 悲しい色やネン パッチモンver. “
#ウェーブ #マシーネンクリーガー #safs #プラモデル
#プラモデル #マシーネンクリーガー
1/20 #SAFS “ 悲しい色やネン パッチモンver. “
#safs #ウェーブ #マシーネンクリーガー #プラモデル