Gizmodo: Astronomers Surprised By a Distant Black Hole Roaring Back to Life #europeansouthernobservatory #intermediatemassblackhole #supermassiveblackhole #activegalacticnucleus #tidaldisruptionevent #samanthaoates #sagittariusa #mattnicholl #blackhole #astronomy #galaxies
#europeansouthernobservatory #intermediatemassblackhole #supermassiveblackhole #activegalacticnucleus #tidaldisruptionevent #samanthaoates #sagittariusa #mattnicholl #blackhole #astronomy #galaxies
Gizmodo: Ancient Stars Spinning Near Milky Way Center Could Unravel Galactic Evolution #supermassiveblackhole #technologyinternet #globularcluster #galacticcenter #galacticbulge #ankearentsen #sagittariusa #draftcid947 #astronomy #whl0137ls #milkyway #galaxies #earendel #star
#supermassiveblackhole #technologyinternet #globularcluster #galacticcenter #galacticbulge #ankearentsen #sagittariusa #draftcid947 #astronomy #whl0137ls #milkyway #galaxies #earendel #star
IXPE ziet 200 jaar oude uitbarsting van zwart gat in de Melkweg
Het centrum van de Melkweg herbergt Sagittarius A*, een superzwaar zwart gat met een massa van ongeveer 4 miljoen zonsmassa. Reflectie van röntgenstraling van Sagittarius A* door dicht gas in het galactische centrum biedt een middel om zijn vroege activiteit op tijdschalen van
#zwartgat #uitbarsting #sagittariusa #rntgenstraling #ixpe
Detection of an #echo emitted by #SagittariusA* 200 years ago #SagittariusA Woensdag 24-05-2023 Je denkt er eigenlijk nooit aan dat alleenstaande sterren - zoals onze zon - in de minderheid zijn in het heelal. De meeste sterren zijn #dubbelsterren, ongeveer 60 - 70 procent. Verder zijn er ook nog systemen van drie en zelfs vier sterren, die in een ingewikkelde dans om elkaar heen draaien rond een gemeenschappelijk zwaartepunt. Zo maakt de ster Proxima Centauri, die op 4,25 lichtjaar afstand..
Que fait-elle là ? Les astronomes sont surpris par cette étoile très jeune à côté du trou noir géant de la Voie lactée #trounoircentraldelavoielactée #formationdesétoiles #trounoirsupermassif #centregalactique #trounoircentral #trounoirgéant #sagittariusa #jeuneétoile #voielactée #àlaune #étoile #x3
#x3 #etoile #alaune #voielactee #jeuneetoile #sagittariusa #trounoirgeant #trounoircentral #centregalactique #trounoirsupermassif #formationdesetoiles #trounoircentraldelavoielactee
„Unmöglicher“ Babystern an unserem Schwarzen Loch. Astronomen entdecken massereichen Jungstern mitsamt Kokon bei Sagittarius A*. #Astronomie #SagittariusA #SchwarzesLoch #Milchstrasse #Protostern
#astronomie #sagittariusa #SchwarzesLoch #milchstrasse #protostern
Quasisterne in der Ferne by Karl Urban #Astronomie #AktiverGalaktischerKern #Extralagaktisch #Galaxie #Milchstraße #Quasar #Quasi-Stern #Radioastronomie #Radiowellen #SagittariusA* #SchwarzerLöcher #SchwarzesLoch #Stern #supermassereichesSchwarzesLoch #Universum #Urknall #Weltall #AstroGeoVodcast #podcast #bot Sie sind heller als jeder Stern und halten länger durch als jede Supernova: Die allerhellsten Lichter am Himmel sind Quasare. Zwar war der …
#astronomie #aktivergalaktischerkern #extralagaktisch #galaxie #milchstraße #quasar #quasi #radioastronomie #radiowellen #sagittariusa #schwarzerlocher #schwarzesloch #stern #supermassereichesschwarzesloch #universum #urknall #weltall #astrogeovodcast #podcast #bot
#astronomy #SMBH #SagittariusA
An article published in "The Astrophysical Journal" reports the results of twenty years of observations of a giant filament of gas and dust that is progressively approaching Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
#astronomy #SMBH #sagittariusa
Did a Cannonball create Sgr A East? #dailypapersummaries #galacticcore #sagittariusa #simulations #cannonball #supernova
#supernova #dailypapersummaries #galacticcore #sagittariusa #simulations #cannonball
La fisica di #StarTrek: Al centro della #ViaLattea
#StarTrekDay2022 #StarTrekDay #SagittariusA #buchineri #universo #universiparalleli #supernove
#startrek #ViaLattea #startrekday2022 #startrekday #sagittariusa #buchineri #universo #universiparalleli #supernove
"Schwarzes Loch Sagittarius A* : »Wir können jetzt wunderbare #Physik mit dem Schwarzen Loch betreiben«
Ein extrem massereiches Schwarzes Loch wie aus dem Bilderbuch: Der Astrophysiker Michael Kramer erklärt, wie das Bild der #EHT-Kollaboration zu Stande gekommen ist."
#Astronomie #SchwarzesLoch #SagittariusA #EHT #Forschung #Zusamenarbeit #Datenaufbereitung #imho Beeindruckend
#physik #eht #astronomie #schwarzesloch #sagittariusa #forschung #Zusamenarbeit #Datenaufbereitung #imho
Al Caffè del Cappellaio Matto: La foto del grande annichilatore su @lospaziobianco dove mi sono divertito a realizzare un meme sulla foto di #SagittariusA con le illustrazioni di @Frazerirving per #Annihilator
#astronomy #blackhole #sagittariusa
So, we now have photographic results for M87 and for Sgr A*. Great work. Fascinating results.
Now I wonder ... what black holes are the observation and imaging teams aiming for next? What are the pertinent questions for those objects? Secondary: How about smaller back holes which we know exist e.g. inside our own galaxy?
#sagittariusa #blackhole #Astronomy
#astronomy #blackhole #sagittariusa
So, we now have photographic results for M87 and for Sgr A*. Great work. Fascinating results.
Now I wonder ... what black holes are the observation and imaging teams aiming for next? What are the pertinent questions for those objects? Secondary: How about smaller back holes which we know exist e.g. inside our own galaxy?
#sagittariusa #blackhole #Astronomy
Svelata la prima immagine di Sagittarius A*, il buco nero al centro della Via Lattea. Foto uguale a quella di qualche anno fa: è un altro tortellino sfocato. Il marketing della pasta finirà per farci una nuova linea: i Buchineri di Giovanni Rana.
#astronomy #astrophysics #BlackHoles #SagittariusA #EHT In various press conferences, representatives of the institutions collaborating in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project announced that they obtained the first image of the area around Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
#astronomy #astrophysics #blackholes #sagittariusa #eht
Black holes be like: Fig. 1 (M87; 2019), Fig. 2 (M87 pol; 2021) and Fig. 3 (Sgr A; 2022)...
An anonymous comment from our group be like: "I guess this horizontal event collaboration is suffering from the swiss cheese paradox: the more images they publish, the more black hole we see, but the more black hole there is, the less stuff to see there is." 🤔 🧀
#blackhole #SagittariusA #EHT