Introducing myself at last:
Architectural historian. #architecturalhistory #history #architecture #histodons #buildings
Twentieth century architecture ... #C20 #modernism #modernity #modern #interwar #postwar #midcentury
... and its social and political histories ... #society #politics #state #government #welfare #civic
... especially church architecture ... #churches
... and increasingly not. #powerstation #townhall #industry #factory #commerce #capitalism #university #hospital #urbanism #urbanhistory #landscape
Mostly in Britain, and sometimes beyond. #uk #british #britain #wales #welsh #scottish #scotland #bristol #bath #westcountry
Editorial team of 'Architectural History' for the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. #sahgb
But informally, rarely without a camera and interested in everything.
#sahgb #westcountry #bath #bristol #scotland #scottish #welsh #Wales #britain #british #UK #landscape #urbanhistory #urbanism #hospital #university #capitalism #commerce #factory #industry #townhall #powerstation #churches #civic #welfare #government #state #Politics #society #midcentury #postwar #interwar #modern #modernity #modernism #C20 #highered #academic #Buildings #histodons #architecture #history #architecturalhistory