AC mechanic Sahil Khan, who has left the city shaken with the brutality of his attack on 16-year-old Sakshi, apparently loved the "dark life", or so it seems going by his Instagram profile. Described by his family and neighbours as a “shy boy” who mostly minded his own business, Sahil, 20, comes across as the opposite of that on social media. Most pictures and videos show him smoking a hookah or drinking alcohol with friends.
#Delhi #SahilKhan
Delhi girl murder case: #Sakshi's killer #SahilKhan shows no remorse, says her 'cold vibes' had angered him
During questioning, though Sahil showed signs of nervousness, he was mostly calm and confessed to the crime.
A 16-year-old girl, Sakshi, was stabbed 34 times in full public view, kicked and her head crushed with a concrete block by a man named Sahil, 20, in Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy on Sunday night.
#SahilKhan #Delhi #Sakshi
#ShahbadDairy murder: Who is #SahilKhan, the ruthless killer of Delhi girl Sakshi
According to the initial investigation, Sahil fought with Sakshi a day before killing her.
#shahbaddairy #sahilkhan #press