Josiah Mannion · @Josiah_Mannion
465 followers · 3203 posts · Server

Redoing this with new character limit! Partial taglist of important-to-me , , , (there is an emphasis here is the to synergy):

(modern fiction writer, but I swear the most Derridean thinker I've run across)

#theorists #theoristactivists #publicthinkers #philosophers #theory #praxis #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #jasbirkpuar #achillembembe #jacquesderrida #gayatrychakravortyspivak #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #juliaserano #michellealexander #audrelorde #keeangayahmattataylor #tonimorrison #alismith #melissaharrisperry #sikivuhutchinson #angeladavis #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland

Last updated 2 years ago

Josiah Mannion · @Josiah_Mannion
72 followers · 12 posts · Server
immanuel kan't even · @chris
61 followers · 32 posts · Server

This interview with on the is great. As one of the many, many people who found reading to be a revelatory experience, I'm really excited about the 25th anniversary edition, which features a new preface by Hartman, a foreword by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, an afterword by Marisa J. Fuentes and Sarah Haley, and more. millennialsarekillingcapitalis

#saidiyahartman #MillennialsAreKillingCapitalism #podcast #scenesofsubjection #history #slavery

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
508 followers · 8571 posts · Server

@h @mattcropp I think it begins with building relationships, which begins with listening. Following people who are different from me, paying attention to what they say, boosting toots to help build recognition, asking questions, are all pieces of the puzzle, not just recruiting for the given task or position. The other step is to step back from all-male (for example) groups, re-opening them, starting over if necessary.


Last updated 7 years ago