Oregon workers’ compensation claimants and policyholders may have had their personal information hacked: https://www.databreaches.net/oregon-workers-compensation-claimants-and-policyholders-may-have-had-their-personal-information-hacked/
Most of the data the hacker(s) got appears to be policyholder and claimant data from prior to 2003, but also some more recent data.
#saif #hack #databreach #dataprotection
Ce samedi avait lieu notre médit'action "Slow Noël" pour méditer sur notre surconsommation pour #NOEL2022 🎄
Elle questionnait apparemment les passant·e·s 😉
Certain·e·s nous ont même rejoint.
© photo Patricia Huchot-Boissier / Abacapress / #LaSaifImages #Saif