::: Sailfish OS 4.5 RELEASED - Your best bet - if wishing to get rid of Google / Android :thinkhappy:
700+ bug fixes, security boosts, improved apps & user interfaces.
A big update to the OPTIONAL Android app support (if you still ever need 'em).
Sailfish OS from Jolla is the premium Linux alternative on mobile - available for example many Sony Xperia™ phones.
More on this FOR ALL release => https://blog.jolla.com/struven-ketju/
@sailfishosnews #Jolla #SailfishOS #Sailfish #SailfishX #mobile #Linux #release #Xperia #Sony #mobile
#sony #xperia #release #linux #mobile #sailfishx #sailfish #sailfishos #jolla
A slick overview of the fresh true mobile Linux alternative to Google Android! :linux:
Yes: it is nowadays entirely possible to leave Google ecosystem.
Overview => https://odysee.com/@techviewpodcast:9/sailfishos-4.5-ea-what's-new!:0
#Jolla #SailfishOS #Sailfish #SailfishX #mobile #Linux #release #review #overview #Odysee #lbry #deleteAndroid #deleteGoogle
#jolla #sailfishos #sailfish #sailfishx #mobile #linux #release #review #overview #Odysee #lbry #deleteandroid #deletegoogle
A slick overview of the fresh mobile Linux alternative to Google Android! :linux:
Yes: it is nowadays entirely possible to leave Google ecosystem.
To celebrate Sailfish OS 4.5 release too - Jolla offers Sailfish OS for a discounted price 📲
Get it => https://shop.jolla.com
Overview => https://odysee.com/@techviewpodcast:9/sailfishos-4.5-ea-what's-new!:0
@leszek #Jolla #SailfishOS #Sailfish #SailfishX #mobile #Linux #release #review #overview #Odysee #lbry
#lbry #Odysee #overview #review #release #linux #mobile #sailfishx #sailfish #sailfishos #jolla
::: Wishing to move away from Google / Android? :thinkhappy:
Now would be a convenient occasion too - to celebrate Sailfish OS 4.5 release, Jolla offers Sailfish X for discounted price!
A premium mobile Linux to smartphone for €39,90 @ https://shop.jolla.com :linux:
Pure Sailfish OS can also be used FOR FREE (without few extra features).
Early subscribers get Sailfish OS 4.5 now - THE FINAL RELEASE for all in 1-2 weeks.
#Jolla #celebration #mobile #Linux #Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #offer #discount #Shop #phone #smartphone
#smartphone #phone #shop #discount #offer #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish #linux #mobile #celebration #jolla
FOSDEM app for Sailfish OS :linux:
Going to FOSDEM '23?
FOSDEM is held this year on 4 - 5 February @ Brussels so how about starting preparations.
Going without an Android device but with a premium mobile Linux - Sailfish OS device?
Be sure to get the updated FOSDEM app from Openrepos :copyleft: :afire: 🙂
=> https://openrepos.net/content/flypig/fosdem2
#FOSDEM #mobile #Linux #Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #Jolla #Openrepos #Brussels #meetings #conference #OpenSource @sailfishosnews
Ps. Jolla right NOW at Yrityspäivät, Tampere => https://linuxrocks.online/@Linux/109784745208898201
#opensource #conference #meetings #brussels #openrepos #jolla #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish #linux #mobile #fosdem
FOSDEM app for Sailfish OS :linux:
Going to FOSDEM '23?
FOSDEM is held this year on 4 - 5 February @ Brussels so how about starting preparations.
Going without an Android device but with a premium mobile Linux - Sailfish OS device?
Be sure to get the updated FOSDEM app from Openrepos :copyleft: :afire: 🙂
=> https://openrepos.net/content/flypig/fosdem2
#FOSDEM #mobile #Linux #Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #Jolla #Openrepos #Brussels #meetings #conference #OpenSource @sailfishosnews
Ps. Jolla right NOW at Yrityspäivät, Tampere => https://linuxrocks.online/@Linux/109784745208898201
#opensource #conference #meetings #brussels #openrepos #jolla #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish #linux #mobile #fosdem
FOSDEM app for Sailfish OS :linux:
Going to FOSDEM '23?
FOSDEM is held this year on 4 - 5 February @ Brussels so how about starting preparations.
Going without an Android device but with a premium mobile Linux - Sailfish OS device?
Be sure to get the updated FOSDEM app from Openrepos :copyleft: :afire: 🙂
=> https://openrepos.net/content/flypig/fosdem2
#FOSDEM #mobile #Linux #Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #Jolla #Openrepos #Brussels #meetings #conference #OpenSource
Ps. Jolla right NOW at Yrityspäivät, Tampere => https://linuxrocks.online/@Linux/109784745208898201
#opensource #conference #meetings #brussels #openrepos #jolla #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish #linux #mobile #fosdem
::: Linux for mobile phone - Jolla's SailfishOS :linux:
SailfishOS (or SailfishX) is a consumer friendly alternative mobile Linux operating system with Wayland.
Sailfish community news / season’s greetings 🎅
Jolla is preparing for various events happening early in '23 - Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas +annual trip to Brussels for FOSDEM '23, etc.
Latest => https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/sailfish-community-news-15th-december-seasons-greetings/13781
Get SailfishOS => https://shop.jolla.com/
#Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #Jolla #Sony #Xperia #mobile #Linux #Christmas #Xmas #Wayland
#wayland #xmas #christmas #linux #mobile #xperia #sony #jolla #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish
::: Linux on current mobile phone - Jolla's SailfishOS | Sony Xperia 10 III
SailfishOS (or SailfishX) is the most consumer friendly alternative mobile Linux operating system.
If you need to run some Android apps such as Telegram; you're covered - the Android compatibility layer is there.
Techview Podcast => https://odysee.com/@techviewpodcast:9/sailfishos-on-the-xperia-10-iii-quick:7
Acquire Sailfish X => https://shop.jolla.com
#Sailfish #SailfishOS #SailfishX #Jolla #Sony #Xperia #mobile #Linux @leszek
#linux #mobile #xperia #sony #jolla #sailfishx #sailfishos #sailfish
Jolla serves again!
Premium mobile operating system creators with new Sailfish OS version 4.3.0 "Suomenlinna"
From now on, any app that defines an application profile will be automatically sandboxed.
Many need Android stuff too, so improvements to Android App Support are in.
Wishing to leave the notorious Google ecosystem and services behind? Sailfish is for you!
==> https://blog.jolla.com/suomenlinna
#Jolla #Sailfish #SailfishX #SailfishOS #mobile #Linux #deleteGoogle #deleteAndroid #Suomenlinna
#Suomenlinna #deleteandroid #deletegoogle #linux #mobile #sailfishos #sailfishx #sailfish #jolla
oh yes definitely. it's great that they see the demand and acknowledge that. when people don't have to jump through so many hoops to try out #SailfishX it'll help both the community and #Jolla!
Premium mobile operating system creators Jolla: the new Sailfish OS "Verla"
Introduces a new sharing system, camera updates +some more sandboxing work under the hood!
Wishing to leave the notorious Google ecosystem and services behind? Sailfish X is for you, improving all the time.
==> https://blog.jolla.com/verla/
#Jolla #Verla #Salfish #SailfishX #SailfishOS #mobile #Linux #deleteGoogle #deleteAndroid #sandbox #Xperia #UNESCO #PekkaVuorela
#PekkaVuorela #unesco #xperia #sandbox #deleteandroid #deletegoogle #linux #mobile #sailfishos #sailfishx #Salfish #Verla #jolla
Kleiner Sportunfall, da muss wohl was neues her… 😞
#SportIstMord #RIP #SailfishX
RT @JollaHQ@twitter.com
Full Sailfish X support for Sony Xperia 10 II now available with Sailfish OS release 4.1.0 Kvarken. Read our blog post and get yours at http://shop.jolla.com! https://blog.jolla.com/kvarken-xperia-10-ii/
#sailfishos #sailfishx #sonyxperia #sonyxperia10II
#sailfishos #sailfishx #sonyxperia #sonyxperia10II
RT @JollaHQ@twitter.com
News Alert! Sailfish X support for Xperia 10 II is now available as a free trial. Update to commercial version coming very soon. Get yours now from http://shop.jolla.com. #sailfishos #sailfishx #sonyxperia #sonyxperia10II #sonyxperia10
#sailfishos #sailfishx #sonyxperia #sonyxperia10II #SonyXperia10
@Cedara @meldrian Sony Xperia 10 Plus. #SailfishOS drauf bzw. #SailfishX. #Android-Apps möglich dank #AlienDalvik, aber keine #GooglePlayServices und kein #GooglePlayStore.
Apps installieren, die es nur im Google Play Store gibt? Zum Beispiel, weil sie #ClosedSource sind und nicht auf #FDroid dürfen? Geht nicht, Punkt. #ArschleckenAchtFuffzich.
Und ja, ich wollte das so.
#sailfishos #sailfishx #android #aliendalvik #googleplayservices #googleplaystore #closedsource #fdroid #ArschleckenAchtFuffzich
New forum for Sailfish OS (a mobile Linux OS created by Jolla) discussion.
You can start using the new forum immediately @
You are invited to start using the new Sailfish OS forum for the topics identified in the categories list.
This forum is for you to discuss all things Sailfish OS, ask questions and share your thoughts.
==> https://blog.jolla.com/new-forum-for-sailfish-os-discussion/
#jolla #sailfishos #sailfishx #linux #mobile #smartphone
#smartphone #mobile #linux #sailfishx #sailfishos #jolla
RT @JollaHQ@twitter.com
#SailfishX is now available for Sony #Xperia10 & #Xperia 10 Plus! We have also created a great offer for all #SailfishOS customers. Learn more from our blog:
#sailfishx #Xperia10 #xperia #sailfishos
Upgraded my XA2 from the free SailfishX to the full beta with Android and predictive text input support. The latter is far more important to me, tbh.
Too bad I had to figure out on my own to how run the upgrade without loosing my installation: 1. Login to the Jolla account again. 2. Re-boot. 3. Use the Jolla shop app and install the Android and text prediction app.
Come on, #jolla, trying the free version first, then upgrading should be a well-supported and documented process, no? #sailfishx