Midu Hadi · @MiduHadi
0 followers · 5 posts · Server mastodon.social

You'd ask why I have been buying more books when the first one didn't impress me. To that I say, would you look at this cover?
Syn: Watched over by two teens gamble everything for a better

#marcussedgwick #saintdeath #future #midureads #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #books #reading #yellowandblack

Last updated 2 years ago

Morning, shop.
Just stumbled upon the to get know me thing, and it sounds fun, so I'll give it a shot:

'sGuideToTheGalaxy by .





'sDaughter by .S.E.Cooney

...but I could probably do a separate thread just with books to be honest. Anything written by


#7books #thehitchhiker #douglasadams #LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett #americangods #neilgaiman #binti #nnediokorafor #TheSpaceBetweenWorlds #micaiahjohnson #saintdeath #c #romance #AlexisHall #bookstodon #books #reading

Last updated 2 years ago