#holidays (1 of 2) #WorldBookAndCopyrightDay, #WorldLaboratoryDay, #WorldBookNight, #UnitedNationsSpanishLanguageDay, #UnitedNationsEnglishLanguageDay, #InternationalPixelStainedTechnopeasantDay, #InternationalNosePickingDay, #InternationalCreatorDay, #NationalLostDogAwarenessDay, #NationalCherryCheesecakeDay, #NationalPicnicDay, #TalkLikeShakespeareDay, #TakeAChanceDay, #SlayADragonDay / #SaintGeorgesDay, #MovieTheatreDay, #ImpossibleAstronautDay, #GermanBeerDay, #LoversDay
#holidays #worldbookandcopyrightday #worldlaboratoryday #worldbooknight #unitednationsspanishlanguageday #unitednationsenglishlanguageday #internationalpixelstainedtechnopeasantday #internationalnosepickingday #internationalcreatorday #nationallostdogawarenessday #nationalcherrycheesecakeday #nationalpicnicday #talklikeshakespeareday #takeachanceday #slayadragonday #saintgeorgesday #movietheatreday #impossibleastronautday #germanbeerday #loversday
#holidays (1 of 2) #WorldBookAndCopyrightDay, #WorldLaboratoryDay, #WorldBookNight, #UnitedNationsSpanishLanguageDay, #UnitedNationsEnglishLanguageDay, #InternationalPixelStainedTechnopeasantDay, #InternationalNosePickingDay, #InternationalCreatorDay, #NationalLostDogAwarenessDay, #NationalCherryCheesecakeDay, #NationalPicnicDay, #TalkLikeShakespeareDay, #TakeAChanceDay, #SlayADragonDay / #SaintGeorgesDay, #MovieTheatreDay, #ImpossibleAstronautDay, #GermanBeerDay, #LoversDay
#holidays #worldbookandcopyrightday #worldlaboratoryday #worldbooknight #unitednationsspanishlanguageday #unitednationsenglishlanguageday #internationalpixelstainedtechnopeasantday #internationalnosepickingday #internationalcreatorday #nationallostdogawarenessday #nationalcherrycheesecakeday #nationalpicnicday #talklikeshakespeareday #takeachanceday #slayadragonday #saintgeorgesday #movietheatreday #impossibleastronautday #germanbeerday #loversday
'It's just that, people don't listen!'
'Really? That's why?'
'Yes! They just create an image of someone and then they only pick up what they want to hear and then embellish it and the story grows as it's passed around and becomes this heroic tale.'
'So you actually didn't do it?'
'No. I keep telling them it was a dragonfly. And it was an accident.' said George.
#saintgeorgesday #microfiction
"Say, George, is it true you killed a dragon?"
"It is," George said morosely.
"While rescuing a maiden from it?"
"No. Well... They both demanded I choose."
"Choose what?"
"One of them. How could I? I loved them too much! So I choose none. Neither. It... broke the dragon's heart."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic #SaintGeorgesDay
#saintgeorgesday #tootfic #smallstories #microfiction
#April23 Today is Saint George's day, the patron saint of #England, #Catalonia and many other regions and towns. The historical George of Lydda is purportedly buried in #Lod (Lydda), a city in Israel. The photo below was taken by me at the catacomb of the Church of Saint George in Lod, where his tomb can be visited.
#LOD #catalonia #england #April23 #saintgeorgesday #saintgeorge
This year I'm doing what I always do for Saint George's Day. Fuck all.
For anyone wondering why there’s a red book amidst my emojis, the reason is to celebrate #WorldBookDay2023. #WorldBookDay occurs globally on 23rd April, except in UK when it is celebrated in March to avoid the clash with celebrations & events for #SaintGeorgesDay.
More info on #Wikipedia :
#Wikipedia #saintgeorgesday #WorldBookDay #worldbookday2023
Cry 'God for Harry! #England and #SaintGeorge!'. Happy for a bit of red & white.
However, I am no #LittleEnglander; rather a person who comprehends that humans, creatures, plants, viruses, bacteria, etc. are all interdependent on our tiny speck of the Cosmos. It follows that we need other countries too. Glorious isolation à la BREXIT / BREXSHIT is a cul-de-sac.
I love that England’s patron-saint is shared my so many other nations and regions of the World. Happy #SaintGeorgesDay folks!
#saintgeorgesday #littleenglander #saintgeorge #england
St George for England
#17thCentury #songs for #SaintGeorge and his day
#song #histodon #histodons @histodon @histodons @earlymusic @earlymodern
#17thcentury #songs #saintgeorge #saintgeorgesday #stgeorgeandthedragon #saintgeorgeandthedragon #stgeorgesday #earlymusic #ballads #history #musicpublishing #sheetmusic #song #histodon #histodons