Jim Muyo of St. Joseph Notre Dame High School offers a hearty congratulation to the Class of 2023 for their dedication and perseverance through several difficult years. "Fly high, you Pilots!"
#alameda #graduates #graduation #scholarships #SaintJosephNotreDameHighSchool
#alameda #graduates #graduation #scholarships #saintjosephnotredamehighschool
Follow your favorite characters in 'The SpongeBob Musical' as they set upon an epic quest to save Bikini Bottom from a volcano set to erupt. Gene Kahane reports back from opening night with nothing but praise for the supremely energetic and entertaining production.
#Alameda #Musical #Theater #SpongeBob #SpongeBobTheMusical #SaintJosephNotreDameHighSchool #MalongaCasquelourdCenterForTheArts
#alameda #Musical #theater #spongebob #spongebobthemusical #saintjosephnotredamehighschool #malongacasquelourdcenterforthearts