‘Godfather of AI’ resigns from Google, warns of the dangers of AI - Dr. Geoffrey Hinton is understood to have worked on artificial in... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/godfather-of-ai-resigns-from-google-warns-of-the-dangers-of-ai #artificialintelligence #saintvoncolucci #geoffreyhinton #binance #chatgpt #aitools #google #openai #ai #cz
#cz #ai #openai #google #aitools #chatgpt #binance #geoffreyhinton #saintvoncolucci #artificialintelligence
So apparently #AI has managed to fool at least some of the mainstream media.
Me, I'd never heard of #SaintVonColucci, but it could be that I just don't read the news sources that would mention him. Apparently it was first reported by the #DailyMail, so that's another reason not to read it, as if we needed any more.
#ai #saintvoncolucci #dailymail
Ator de 22 anos morre após passar por 12 cirurgias para se parecer com Jimin, do BTS
#saintvoncolucci #jiminpark #bts #vinoinstagram #famosos