Another Jukebox Friday Night on the Games We Play theme and in memory of Sakamoto Ryuichi
#JukeboxFridayNight #GamesWePlay #YellowMagicOrchestra #SakamotoRyuichi #RyuichiSakamoto
#JukeboxFridayNight #gamesweplay #yellowmagicorchestra #sakamotoryuichi #ryuichisakamoto
Let us check more great examples of film composers, but who may not have as much name recognition:
#MauriceJarre does not get any header image, and neither he nor #MichelLegrand, or #SakamotoRyuichi get any editor’s pick (#EnnioMorricone does), but those are solid landing pages otherwise
#mauricejarre #michellegrand #sakamotoryuichi #enniomorricone
So sad. I loved his music, including with YMO, when I first learned about him through friends in Tokyo in early 1980s.
#RyuichiSakamoto #SakamotoRyuichi #Japan #YMO
#ryuichisakamoto #sakamotoryuichi #japan #ymo
J’appréciais ce Monsieur notamment pour son groupe #YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra). Très triste d’apprendre sa disparition. RIP #SakamotoRyuichi