🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 11.6 Kulāvakasutta: The Bird Nests
“Let’s surrender our lives to the asuras rather than make these birds nestless.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
From… DN 16 Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment
“Then there was terror! Then they had goosebumps!…”
Read the sutta
📖 https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/from-dn-16-mahaparinibbanasutta-the-great-discourse-on-the-buddhas-extinguishment/?=MDS
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SASAKI IN MY MIND is coming soon to SAKKA!🎥
Directed by TakuyaUchiyama, the film captures the adolescent sparkle and the pathos of bygone days.
@_takuyauchiyama@twitter.com #SasakiInMyMind #SAKKA
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SAKKAfilms/status/1611402211539533825