A lawyer finds himself questioning his own identity while searching for that of a man who'd been living under an assumed name in Kei Ishikawa's existential mystery, A Man. https://wp.me/p1x9li-iwE
Screening in Chicago March 18 as part of Asian Pop-Up Cinema.
#JapaneseCinema #JapaneseFilm #Film #FilmReview #Keiishikawa #SatoshiTsumabuki #SakuraAndo
#japanesecinema #japanesefilm #film #filmreview #keiishikawa #satoshitsumabuki #sakuraando
Shoplifters (2019) - Kore-eda
#lilyfranky #sakuraando #hirokazukoreeda #japanesecinema
#lilyfranky #sakuraando #hirokazukoreeda #japanesecinema
Some of my #favourite #actors and #actresses (in no particular order):
Lillian Gish #lilliangish
Zhang Ziyi #zhangziyi
Sakura Ando #sakuraando
Bae Doona #baedoona
Zhang Jingchu #zhangjingchu
Hiromi Nagasaku #hirominagasaku
Louise Brooks #louisebrooks
Toshiro Mifune #toshiromifune
Song Kang-ho #songkangho
Andy Lau #andylau
Takashi Shimura #takashishimura
and :
The Marx Brothers #marxbros
Laurel & Hardy #laurelandhardy
Bruce Lee #brucelee
Jackie Chan #jackiechan
Buster Keaton #busterkeaton
#favourite #actors #actresses #lilliangish #zhangziyi #sakuraando #baedoona #zhangjingchu #hirominagasaku #louisebrooks #toshiromifune #songkangho #andylau #takashishimura #marxbros #laurelandhardy #brucelee #jackiechan #busterkeaton