🇷🇴#Romania has a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the 🏰#TelekiCastle in #Sălaj, which is a #UNESCO #WorldHeritageSite.
#facts #randomfact #worldheritagesite #unesco #salaj #telekicastle #romania
🇷🇴#Romania has a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the Alba Carolina Citadel in #AlbaIulia, the #⛪#SăpânțaPeri Monastery in #Mureș, and the 🏰#TelekiCastle in #Sălaj.
#facts #randomfact #salaj #telekicastle #Mureș #sapanțaperi #AlbaIulia #romania
🇷🇴#Romania has a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the 🏰#TelekiCastle in #Sălaj, which is a #UNESCO #WorldHeritageSite.
#facts #randomfact #worldheritagesite #unesco #salaj #telekicastle #romania
🇷🇴#Romania has a number of important cultural and historical landmarks, including the Teleki Castle in #Sălaj, which is a #UNESCO #WorldHeritageSite.
#facts #randomfact #worldheritagesite #unesco #salaj #romania