New parachute gecko from India just glided in:
Gekko mizoramensis
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/9208DD53-5222-A025-FEF9-6B83FC2CC8D4
Publication: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7967275
#science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #reptiles #herpetology #herps #reptiles #gecko #india
#NewSpecies #salamandra #fairdata #science #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #reptiles #herpetology #herps #gecko #india
Der Salamderfresser-Pilz ist auf dem Vormarsch. Ganze Feuersalamanderpopulationen drohen auszusterben. CC will eine Erhaltungszucht von Tieren verschiedener Herkunftsgebiete aufbauen, um die Vielfalt dieses charismatischen Waldbewohners zu erhalten.
#citizenconservation #salamandra #bsal #salamander
Citizen Conservation:
Unsere Machbarkeitsstudie zur Rettung der Feuersalamander in Bayern hat eine Menge Presseresonanz bekommen. Gut so, denn das Thema brennt lichterloh. 🦎🔥🚒
Hier der Artikel aus der SZ:
#Salamandra #Bsal #Herpetology #CitizenScience #CitizenConservation
#salamandra #bsal #herpetology #citizenscience #citizenconservation
Frogs & Friends:
Donnerstag haben wir unsere Machbarkeitsstudie zur Erhaltung des Feuersalamanders in Menschenobhut vorgestellt. Mit einer halben Million € für fünf Jahre könnte es losgehen. Das Netzwerk steht bereit...
#Salamandra #CitizenConservation #FrogsAndFriends #Herpetologie
#salamandra #citizenconservation #frogsandfriends #herpetologie
Citizens Conservation:
News: Unter der Federführung von frogs & friends Kurator Johannes Penner und in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Partnern wurde eine Machbarkeitsstudie zur Rettung des Feuersalamanders erarbeitet, die man sich bei uns herunterladen kann.
Hier: https://citizen-conservation.org/news/feuersalamander-machbarkeitsstudie/
#salamandra #citizenconservation #herpetologie
Tzoras, E., J. Foufopoulos, M. Volz, S. Troidl, A. Troidl & D. Jablonski
In Issues 2023
Lost in the Cyclades: genetic affiliation of the Yellow-bellied Toad, Bombina variegata (Anura: Bombinatoridae), from Paros Island, Greece. pp. 92-95.
#Bombina #YellowBelliedToad #BombinaVariegata #Salamandra #DGHT #Herpetology
#bombina #yellowbelliedtoad #bombinavariegata #salamandra #dght #herpetology
Eine weitere Art, die über CC gemanagt wird, ist der Almanzor-Feuersalamander. 🦎 An welchen besonderen Lebensraum sich dieser Schwanzlurch angepasst hat und warum er nach der spanischen Roten Liste als bedroht gilt, gibt es auf der Artseite zu lesen: https://citizen-conservation.org/arten/almanzor-feuersalamander/
#citizenconservation #salamandra
In the end, there's no set I like better than the rest for the full series.
I think the UK cover art is way too uneven.
The US art is the best for the last half of the series (though I'm undecided about Goblet being in that half).
And the Spanish art never really evolved much, but I think it makes the better overall set for the first three books, at least.
@bookstodon #HarryPotter #MaryGrandPre #DoloresAvendaño #Bloomsbury #Scholastic #Salamandra #Emecé
#harrypotter #marygrandpre #doloresavendano #bloomsbury #scholastic #salamandra #emece
Mi piace molto #giocare
Ed eccomi perciò alle prese con uno dei miei #unrealtoys un #axolotl o #assolotto che è più facile da promunciare, che ha preso a #nuotare in #cucina.
Devo ancora finirlo ma per adesso mi sto divertendo a realizzarlo.
#creta #cretasenzacottura #axolotlsofinstagram #assolotti #salamandra #animaleesotico #fattoamano #handmade #coloriacrilici #soprammobile #homedecor #animaliacquatici #anfibi #clayadventuresontheshelf
#giocare #unrealtoys #axolotl #assolotto #nuotare #cucina #creta #cretasenzacottura #axolotlsofinstagram #assolotti #salamandra #animaleesotico #fattoamano #handmade #coloriacrilici #soprammobile #homedecor #animaliacquatici #anfibi #clayadventuresontheshelf
La jueza reprocha al PP que Feijóo no haya acudido a declarar como testigo en Salamanca: "Está eludiendo la decisión de este juzgado" https://www.eldiario.es/castilla-y-leon/tribunales/jueza-recuerda-pp-persona-citada-salamanca-feijoo-no-representante-legal_1_9883579.html Europa Press #AlbertoNúñezFeijóo #PP-PartidoPopular #Salamandra
#albertonunezfeijoo #pp #salamandra
Una salamandra que es diu ... Salamandra salamandra! Em vaig fer un bon tip de riure en rebre la identificació a #inaturalist. El patró de colors, negre i groc, avisa de que possiblement és metzinosa.
Vista als #Pirineus, a les fonts del LLobregat a Castellar de n'Hug. Tot i ésser ple estiu, en plena onada de calor, l'aigua et deixava els peus glaçats. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/127764790
#inaturalist #pirineus #herpetologia #salamandra #fotografia #natura #aposematisme
¡ Está listo !
Axolotl matemático #handmade #hechoenmexico #hechoparaganar #hechoamano #axolotl #olimpicos #mexico #Oslo #Noruega #mundo #internacional #ambysthomamexicanum #salamandra #salamander #anfibio #amphibian
#handmade #hechoenmexico #hechoparaganar #hechoamano #axolotl #olimpicos #mexico #oslo #noruega #mundo #internacional #ambysthomamexicanum #salamandra #salamander #anfibio #amphibian
🇮🇹 Silvella
nei pressi del passo esiste un laghetto dove vivono delle salamandre dal ventre rosso.
Mi portavano da bambino a vederle e fa piacere ritrovarle sempre lì.
#salamandra #anfibi #italia #montagna #lago
E mentre salgo piano piano cosa trovo lungo la strada forestale? Una bella #salamandra. Mi fermo per guardarla e per apprezzare il silenzio del bosco. Amo tutto questo. #lavorounapassione #gardatrentino
#gardatrentino #lavorounapassione #salamandra
Conti Ransomware Group Diaries, Part III: Weaponry https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/03/conti-ransomware-group-diaries-part-iii-weaponry/ #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #LeMansCorporation #ALittleSunshine #Trickbotleaks #CobaltStrike #Chainalysis #TheSpaniard #Ransomware #ransomware #Salamandra #Bloodrush #Bentley #Reshaev #Kaktus #Revers #Skippy #alarm #Conti #Grant #Tramp #trump #Bio #PIN
#ne #lemanscorporation #ALittleSunshine #trickbotleaks #cobaltstrike #chainalysis #thespaniard #ransomware #salamandra #bloodrush #Bentley #reshaev #kaktus #revers #Skippy #alarm #conti #grant #tramp #trump #bio #pin
Conti Ransomware Group Diaries, Part III: Weaponry - Part I of this series examined newly-leaked internal chats from the Conti ransomwa... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/03/conti-ransomware-group-diaries-part-iii-weaponry/ #lemanscorporation #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #trickbotleaks #cobaltstrike #chainalysis #thespaniard #ransomware #salamandra #bloodrush #bentley #reshaev #kaktus #revers #skippy #alarm #conti #grant #tramp #trump #bio #pin
#pin #bio #trump #tramp #grant #conti #alarm #skippy #revers #kaktus #reshaev #bentley #bloodrush #salamandra #ransomware #thespaniard #chainalysis #cobaltstrike #trickbotleaks #alittlesunshine #neer #lemanscorporation