> Everybody was supposed to prefer AI over conventional search. And it turns out that nobody cares.
> The only areas where AI is flourishing are shamming, spamming & scamming
> AI is like genetically-modified foods, which are invariably forced upon an unwilling public.
> AI is getting worse at doing math over time... AI is getting more sycophantic and willing to agree with false statements over time.
#TedGioia #HonestBroker? #BingAI #AISalami #SalamiAI #ChatGPT #GMO
#gmo #chatgpt #salamiai #aisalami #bingai #honestbroker #tedgioia
> "Does this #SALAMI deserve #HumanRights?”^1
> ..the first and foremost AI bias is its name. It induces analogies that have limited adherence to reality.. generates infinite speculations.. Because of this misconception.. we should drop [the name #AI and].. adopt a more appropriate and scoped-limited terminology.. Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences.
^1 https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html
^2 https://blog.quintarelli.it/2019/11/lets-forget-the-term-ai-lets-call-them-systematic-approaches-to-learning-algorithms-and-machine-inferences-salami/
#StefanoQuintarelli #AiSalami
#SalamiAI #PropertyRights
#propertyrights #salamiai #aisalami #stefanoquintarelli #ai #humanrights #salami