RT @VasiFranco@twitter.com
Weiter Alltag im #Iran: In Esfahan wurden #MajidKazemi, #SaeedYaghoubi and #SalehMirhashmi inhaftiert und am 09.01. zum Tode verurteilt. Geständnisse wurden ohne Anwalt und unter Folter erzwungen. Ich habe daher den Botschafter auf Einhaltung der UN-Menschenrechte hingewiesen.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VasiFranco/status/1620446634038681600
#iran #majidkazemi #saeedyaghoubi #salehmirhashmi
#SalehMirhashmi e #SaeedYaghoubi sono stati trasferiti in isolamento
#MajidKazemi è in isolamento da venerdì
Tutti sono stati condannati a morte e si teme che possano essere giustiziati come rappresaglia per la manifestazione di Strasburgo
#salehmirhashmi #saeedyaghoubi #majidkazemi #irgcterroristi #MahsaAmini
#SalehMirhashmi, the protester sentenced to death, was kept in solitary confinement for 45 days, mentally and physically tortured, and forced to confess by threatening his wife and father.They searched his house many times but did not find any evidence against him
#صالح_میرهاشمی، معترض محکوم به اعدام رو ۴۵ روز تو انفرادی نگه داشتند، شکنجه روانی و جسمی دادند و با تهدید همسر و پدرش از او اعتراف اجباری گرفتند
بارها خونهاش رو گشتند اما مدرکی علیهاش پیدا نکردند
#stopexecutionsiniran #IRGCTerrorists #صالح_میرهاشمی #salehmirhashmi