Great suggestions in this essay about "temporal displacement, time loops, time skips, time slips or parallel timelines."
If #time is of interest, you can check out a volume of essays I edited, published by #CambridgeUP, that takes up this issue in #US #literature from its #indigenous roots to #DonDeLillo, from the #SalemWitchTrials to the #graphic novel, #RichardMcGuire's #Here. I also wrote a book on #tempo(e)rality with, you guessed it, #Poe as the (wobbly) center.
#time #cambridgeup #us #literature #indigenous #DonDelillo #salemwitchtrials #graphic #richardmcguire #here #tempo #Poe
June 10, 1692: Bridget Bishop was hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, the first victim of the Salem Witch Trials. She may have been accused because she stood to inherit from her deceased husband, and she was said to own a tavern in her home where shuffleboard was played and minors were served.
#BridgetBishop #SalemWitchTrials #Salem #Massachusetts #ThisDayInHistory
#bridgetbishop #salemwitchtrials #salem #massachusetts #thisdayinhistory
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 7: a town meeting for #NationalTownMeetingDay
Raymond Rouleau's Les sorcières de #Salem (FR/GDR, 1957) – , with a screenplay by Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul #Sartre – is a very early #film adaptation of Arthur Miller's 1953 #TheatrePlay The Crucible. An allegory of #McCarthyism, the play is a (partially dramatised) retelling of the #SalemWitchTrials, a dramatic episode in early US-American history. During several court and town meetings, 200 people were falsely accused of meddling with the Devil; 19 of them were eventually executed.
Miller himself was accused of un-American activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended. Which doesn't mean that #WitchTrials are a thing of the past. As easily one can transplant Puritan religious mass hysteria to 1950s McCarthy anti-socialism, as easy is it applicable to the state of the world today.
#ArthurMiller #JeanPaulSartre #TheCrucible #DDR #SimoneSignoret #YvesMontand @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationaltownmeetingday #salem #sartre #film #theatreplay #mccarthyism #salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #arthurmiller #jeanpaulsartre #thecrucible #ddr #simonesignoret #yvesmontand
Tune in to both parts of "How Do We Know What We Know? Salem Witch-Hunt Primary Sources with Margo Burns" in any podcast app or at
#salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #primarysources #history
#salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #primarysources #history
" So I'm down in the dark alley trying to find all these little things and then make sense of it."
Margo Burns, "How Do We Know What We Know? Salem Witch-Hunt Primary Sources with Margo Burns, Part 2"
Listen in any podcast app or at
#salemwitchtrials #witchhunt #witchcraft #primarysources
#salemwitchtrials #witchhunt #witchcraft #primarysources
Brace yourselves for another mindblowing episode with historian Margo Burns.
That's right, part 2 of "How Do We Know What We Know? Salem Witch-Hunt Primary Sources with Margo Burns" premieres in 7 hours.
#salemwitchtrials #witchhunt #salem #primarysources #history
#salemwitchtrials #witchhunt #salem #primarysources #history
Join us Thursday, February 2, 2023 for part two of our fun and informative interview with Margo Burns about the Salem Witch Trial primary sources, William Stoughton, and exoneration of witch trial victims.
Listen in any podcast app and at
#SalemWitchTrials #Salem #Witchhunt #Stoughton #history
#salemwitchtrials #salem #witchhunt #stoughton #history
As far as I can see, the #GOP #GQP ... is the bastard offspring of ALL the #ColonialInvaders.
Personally I think we should have executed ALL the #Puritan #WarCriminals after #TheRestoration not just the signatories of the Death Warrant for Charles I.
BUT Britain expelled them, then until the late 18th Century, deported criminals to the #NewWorld.
1st #MatthewHopkins & #JudgeJeffries in #EastOfEngland then the #SalemWitchTrials hysteria.
Frankly the descendants of #Transportees to #Australasia have acquitted themselves way better.
#WhiteHistory is NOTHING to boast about.
The ongoing #CulturalGenocide of #FirstNations and #Genocide of #FirstNationals - should have told everyone where the agenda was headed.
#gop #gqp #colonialinvaders #puritan #warcriminals #therestoration #newworld #matthewhopkins #judgejeffries #eastofengland #salemwitchtrials #transportees #australasia #whitehistory #culturalgenocide #firstnations #genocide #firstnationals