Since 2018, Mr. Balasubramanian, in partnership w/the ASSIST Social Development Office of the #SalesianSisters, has worked w/his fellow villagers in Tamil Nādu, #India to protect #BioDiversity, #FoodSecurity & build community resilience to devastating climate events, like the tropical cyclone that blew thru the region 4 years ago. Read about the @miseancara Climate Action Award he received for his dedication & ingenuity: #IrishAidWorks #SustainableDevelopment #LaudatoSi
#salesiansisters #india #biodiversity #foodsecurity #IrishAidWorks #sustainabledevelopment #Laudatosi
.@miseancara is pleased to announce the winners of our 2022 Climate Action Awards, given to individuals and member projects for their innovation & commitment to tackling #climatechange in communities hit hard by the #climatecrisis. Learn more about our members supporting climate resilience and profiles of this year's winners in #India, #SouthSudan & #Nigeria.
#SustainableDevelopment #IrishAidWorks #SalesianSisters #IrishJesuitsInternational #MissionarySistersHolyRosary
#climatechange #climatecrisis #india #southsudan #nigeria #sustainabledevelopment #IrishAidWorks #salesiansisters #irishjesuitsinternational #missionarysistersholyrosary