The Great Basin is characterized by its closed basins, where water is trapped in saline, terminal lakes that support fascinating ecosystems.
But when less water flows in -- from #climatechange or human diversions -- these lakes are often first to see impacts.
High Country News' Caroline Tracey takes a look at a new bipartisan bill funding research and monitoring of these lakes.
#ClimateChange #westernwater #greatbasin #salinelakes
Last night, Congress passed a bill requiring the U.S. Geological Survey to create the first regional assessment and monitoring program for Great Basin saline lakes.
Great Basin wetlands and lakes are critical habitat for migratory birds, but face threats, including from diversions and drought.
Earlier this year, I wrote about efforts to restore wetlands in Nevada's Lahontan Valley.
#water #wildlife #shorebirds #greatbasin #salinelakes #wetlands
#water #wildlife #shorebirds #greatbasin #salinelakes #wetlands
Last night, Congress passed
a bill requiring the U.S. Geological Survey to create the first regional assessment and monitoring program for Great Basin saline lakes.
Great Basin wetlands and lakes are critical habitat for migratory birds, but face threats, including diversions and droughts.
Earlier this year, I wrote about efforts to restore wetlands in Nevada's Lahontan Valley.
#water #wildlife #shorebirds #greatbasin #salinelakes #wetlands
#water #wildlife #shorebirds #greatbasin #salinelakes #wetlands