Oggi si ritorna a scuola. Ecco una risorsa da OpenAI per aiutare gli insegnanti ad usare #chatGPT in modo utile in classe (--> https://openai.com/blog/teaching-with-ai).
Poi il bel talk di #SalKhan https://www.ted.com/talks/sal_khan_how_ai_could_save_not_destroy_education
Khan Academy’s AI Tutor Bot Aims to Reshape Learning - Proponents see the tools as a way to automatically customize academic support. They could... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/08/business/khan-ai-gpt-tutoring-bot.html #artificialintelligence #educationtechnology #education(k-12) #khanlabschool #khanacademy #khanmigo #salkhan #chatgpt #gpt-4
#gpt #chatgpt #salkhan #khanmigo #khanacademy #khanlabschool #education #educationtechnology #artificialintelligence